chapter 1 The meeting

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Bad and skeppy were in greece for vacation as their one year anniversary. Skeppy decided it was a good idea to go to the temple of zeus, what a muffinhead.

Baldboyhalo's pov

I can't believe s'geppy took me to greece :D he's so rich UwU. We had been walking for soooo longggggg but we finally reached the temple. It was amazing ☆<☆ it was like 420 feet tall and was pure white. The light hit it and it blinded me, ow my eyes.

"Skeppyyyyyy lets go insideeee" i whined and tugged at his arm.
"Stop being a baby baldy" he teased and shoved and my shoulder.
"I AM NOT BALD D:<" i screamed at him and ran up the stairs.

I reached the pedestal where the statue of zeus was and started crying. S'geppy is always so mean to me.
A plume of smoke erupted from the stele [another word for pedestal, look it up] and a giant figure emerged. I looked up and standing above me. He bent down and took my face in his large hands, wiping my tears with his stole cold thumb.
"What's wrong fair maiden?" His voice was so deep, it was basically just a rumble.
"BAD?!" I did a total 180 and saw s'geppy standing on at the stairwell.
" 'Geppy-?" The giant hand gripped my face harder and turned it back towards him.
"Look at me, not him. He brought you sorrow. I will care for you."
I brought my own hands up to his wrists, his absolutely dwarfing my own. "I don't know who you are."
He gripped my waist and made me stand and he stood to his full height, head almost touching the ceiling.
"I am Zeus, god of the heavens"
My eyes widened to the size of dinner plates and even skeppy stumbled back a bit before stomping up next to me
"Lord zeus, what do you want from me🥺" i whimpered at his feet
He looked down at me, "you are so beautiful, you were so sad, coming to my temple in tears, i want to make you happy, take you to the heavens with me"

Skeep didn't like this, he grabbed my hand and shouted "my boyfriend is fine and doesn't wanna see the great heavens, right bad?!"
I actually did wanna go with lord zeus, s'geppy was always so mean and i wanted someone who would be nice to me "skeppy, i wanna see what zeus is talking about. You promised me a beautiful vacation and what's prettier than heaven?" I looked at him with a pout. Zeus was growing impatient and picked up me and skeppy in his ginormous hands and we evaporated into a cloud of smoke.

(A.N.- this entire thing was fueled by spite and my mental instability so if you want a chapter 2 then tell me, the next chapter will probably have smut in it. If you actually want the next chapter i suggest you get therapy but until then i hope you have a good day/night. Go hydrate and have a snack or some fruit or smth)

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