Wicked Mind Games (MJS)

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Cataliana Cynthia Rodriguez : Beautiful,mixed with black& latin, dark brown eye, pear-shaped, funny,nice,generous,smart,flirty, (PIC)http://scandaloustrick.files.wordpress.com/2012/02/20120220-215007.jpg?w=490

Alanna Breanne Tawakuwakiechan': Beautiful, Asian, herbff,same personalitytraits (PIC)http://i2.asntown.net/h3/Girls/9/photo-single-asians/pretty-asian-girls-on-social-network-site02.jpg

Devon Jose' Lopez: Extremely Handsome, also mixed black & Latin, crazy,flirty.seductive, smart, 14 (PIC)http://data.whicdn.com/images/28090746/1304374210_7180_full_thumb.png

Daniel Brixton Lavezgonal': Cute, Caucasian, Devon's bff, mischievous. gets what he wants( for now)smart,funny,nice,trickster (PIC)http://25.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lud2xbusTO1qidgn4o1_500.png

MJ: 15( bad era tho) ya'll know him tee hee

Cat's ~POV~

It was the first day of my junior or sophomore year in High School. I got my lazy butt out of bed and started to get ready. It was still warm out so I slipped on some black flats, blue denim capris, my red sleevless shirt with a white tank top under, a black hood and I was good to go. I went to my bathroom and brushed my teeth, fixed my hair etc. I raced down the stairs to find my Mami making breakfast. "Good Morning Mami!" Good Morning Miha!

Me; I.....can't............wait for my first day !

Mami: Ahhh Miha I know that you are nervous but I can assure you that everything will be alright.

Me. Gracias Mami ~finishes Breakfast~ Adio's Mami!

Mami: Adio's Miha! Amar(love) tu'(you)

Me: Yo amar tu' tambie'n ( I love you too)

I headed out and met up up with my Amiga since Day Care Alanna

Alanna: Hi Cat!*hugs*

Me: Hi Lanna! *hugs*

Lanna: So are you ready?

Me; Yeah I'm totally cool chica.

Lanna: Haha okay.

We began walking to Laguardia....

We made it to Laguardia to find thousands of teachers students and staff waiting for the doors to be opened. My hear began to race. Lanna and I look around for I while then I see this guy............and he is GORGEOUS! He was mixed just like me had light skin, hazel eyes, braids, and a smile that could just drive a girl CRAZY!!!!!!!! "Cat! Hello Cat! Ollahhhh?????" OH sorry Lanna what happened? " The doors are opened. Ohhhhh ok let's go inside.

Me: Lanna I just seen this Boy and he is soooooooooo dayum cute!

Lanna: Ohhhhh crush on the first day hmmmm?

Me: *blushes* haha shut up! He was GORGEOUS he had light skin, braids hazel eyes and-

Lanna: Hold up wait I know him that's Devon he's my nieghbor!

Me: Really?

Lanna: Yeag it's his first day here at Laguardia, he a really good dancer/singer, he really sweet too!

Me: He sounds freaking perfect!

Lanna: He's walking over here :D

Me: Oh no I gotta go -tries to run-

Lanna: -grabs me- Nuh -uh-ah! :)

Devon: Hey Alanna *hugs*

Lanna: Hey Devon*hugs back*

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