Chapter 14: Trust Issues

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I hit the ground, turn on my speed, and instantly turn into the world's fastest drunk. The world seems to be both spinning and tilting, and it's like trying to run on a moving carnival ride. I wobble to the left, almost fall over, wobble back to the right, then try to focus on an open spot a few yards away. I zip to it without managing to crash, but feel like I'm going to throw up. That really is not something I want to do with my mask on, so I bite my lip and try to focus. The world keeps wobbling uncooperatively. 

I pick a new spot that I can get to in a straight line and zip towards it. Then another. Zip, zip, zip, I just keep making small dashes across the side of the hotel and around the back. A few people I pass notice me, but most are still watching the water show. If Corrales and his goons are among them then I should be fine.

I reach the back of the Bellagio and take a quick breather next to a dumpster. The urge to heave finally subsides and the world returns to normal. Note to self, never try that trick after a big meal. Or maybe just never try that trick again, period.

"I think I've ditched them," I tell Susan. "Where's the SUV?"

"Heading southbound on I-15," Tyler replies. 

I speed off for the freeway on-ramp. Staying on the ground is going to make it tougher to spot me, plus I'm a lot faster down here.

"What's their license plate? I don't want to accidentally scare the hell out of some poor family," I say.

Tyler tells me their plate number as I race up the on-ramp and into traffic, weaving back and forth between cars. It's really a strange feeling. With all the weird powers I have, it's always doing something ordinary in a new way that surprises me the most. Like being on the freeway, passing other cars, on my feet. You're just never on the freeway outside of your car, so the whole thing feels really odd.

Two miles down I come up behind the SUV. The windows are tinted, but I can make out three seated figures. The driver, someone riding shotgun, and one person in the back. The person in the back is looking down, and I'm guessing he's tending to Ryan. 

I cross to the other side of the SUV, match its speed, and try to open the door to get in. It's locked, but the sound alerts the three clones inside, who all jump. See? Even people used to the bizarre are rattled when the normal turns weird. People just don't try to open your car door when you're speeding down the freeway.

I rap on the window with my knuckle, and one of them rolls down the window. I grab the window frame, jump, and pull myself inside. They roll the window up behind me. 

Ryan is laying across the third row of seats in the back. He doesn't look good.

"How is he?" I ask.

"Not well," replies the clone next to me. "He has some internal injuries, but we think we can treat him."

"Get him to a hospital," I tell them. "They will just think he was one of the people hurt in the fight."

The clone in the passenger seat turns around. "We can take care of him better than a hospital. We will help him, now you will help us," he says.

"I already helped you," I reply. "I took them down and helped you escape. Now we get him to a hospital and I'm out of here."

The driver looks back in his rear-view mirror, and the other two clones look at him silently for a moment. A few of them did something like this back on the Bellagio driveway. It's creepy, and I tense up. I can't imagine them trying to fight in a moving vehicle but you never know.

The clone in the passenger seat nods, then says to me. "You need to come with us," he says.

Before I can reply the clone sitting next to me reaches out and places his hand on my shoulder. "I am sorry, but this will hurt," he says, and there is a flash of lightning. This time, however, the lighting isn't coming out of the clone. It's coming out of me and going into him.

Power Play (Book 2)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum