Returning to Westfield

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It's been a good number of years, and Y/N had finally finished what he had been tasked with. He had grown quite a bit, and had more muscles than when he left. He was 18 now. He had strengthened his soul, which he still barely understood, and had his muscles strengthened as well. He was able to control what pain he felt and what affected him, up to a point. After all those years of training and getting yelled at by an old man and his grandson, he had finally come home to Westfield.

The first place he went was where his old home used to be. It seemed to have been rebuilt, almost exactly like it used to be. This time, it had electricity. Y/N looked up at the house and smiled, fond memories rushing back to him. He knew he couldn't stay for long, so Y/N walked away from his childhood home and toward the old graveyard.

Y/N reached the graveyard and walked to where he knew his parents were buried. He took out two roses he had gotten before he came into town and placed it on the two graves, tears streaming down his face. While he was down on one knee, he began to pray, hoping they made it to heaven, just like he was taught to believe.

Y/N had finished up in the graveyard, so he went to the old cathedral, hoping to meet pastor Smith. It turned out that he had died during a fit of rage by Wednesday, who found out he had sent Y/N away. This did not help our hero's mental state. He began to make his way towards the Addams' Mansion, trying to conceal his rage. He had enough traumatization in Egypt while he was gone, and he didn't want any more.

Y/N entered through the gate, looking towards the Addams' graveyard. He was a little disgusted at Gomez for bringing his entire dead family overseas. The man then looked closer and saw a stone etched with his name on it. Underneath it was a rant from who he assumed was Wednesday, describing her sorrow now that he was gone.

He simply shrugged it off and proceded to the eldest ancestor's grave, feeling the buzz once more. Little did he know there was a figure in a dress behind him, who had been watching him through a window when he entered and had been running to catch up to him. Y/N turned around to investigate the noise, and was caught by surprise.

Y/N was tackle hugged by Wednesday. She recognized him after all these years. She hung onto his neck for dear life, tears streaming down her face and dropping onto his shirt.

"You came back!" She was yelling in a tone of relief, sadness, and happiness. "You came back."

The muscular 18 year old boy shrugged her off and continued to the grave. He was able to jimmy it open before Wednesday sat up and jumped on him again. He started towards the house, Wednesday clinging onto his back. He needed a key and a weapon, and he knew where both of them were.

As he entered the house, he was greeted by a bunch of crossbows hitting his arm, causing blood to rush out.

"Sorry, those were meant for Pugsley." Wednesday chimed in. "You know, he's not fat anymore. His muscles are pretty big too, and he got more of the inheritence. He even grew out of masochism!"

"Wednesday I don't give a fuck. I'm grabbing a key and a mace, and them I'm leaving." Y/N had his priorities straight. He managed to pry Wednesday off of him and began to scoure the house for the items.

He couldn't find them for quite a while, and was having trouble navigating with Wednesday hot on his tail. Eventually he came across Puglsey's room and burst in, locking the door behind him. As Y/N turned around, he was met by a clean but still terrifying room, and a toned man sitting up on his bed.

"Oh hey, you're back. Y'know, your face hasn't changed much, dude." The mystery person(not really, we all know who it is) said.

"Who are you, again?" Y/N questioned the figure, confused about who it was.

"It's me dude, it's Puglsey. I kinda grew out of my, well, what I now know is masochism, and I got tired of not being fast enough to escape Wednesday, so I asked my pa and mama to help me work out a bit, and now here I am." Pugsley provided an explanation a lot less verbose than he used to.

"Okay, but what happened to the whole respectful tone?" Y/N was confused. "You used to be all "Mother, father, sister, friend" and now you're saying "Mama, pa, Wednesday, and DUDE."

"Eh, I got bored. Figured I might as well change my personality along with my body." Pugsley said.

Y/N had a new thought in his mind. 'Yeah, this has got to end. This is too weird.' "Oh hey, by the way, where did you guys move the weapons and keys? I need a mace and I need to find the key to the basement."

"It's down the stairs and to the left, then it'll be the first door on the right, man."


Y/N quickly unlocked the door and ran down the stairs, Wednesday nowhere to be seen. He turned left and swerved right, practically breaking down the door, wanting this to be over as soon as possible. He looked left and right. He saw a sword and mace to the right, and he spotted a drawer by an empty bed frame and dove at it, pulling it open. He found the oldest key in the drawer and then turned around to get the weapons.

They were gone. He slowly turned around and saw wednesday, the sword broken in two and holding the mace over an open drain, looking at him with a smug grin.

"You've got to be fucking kidding me."

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