Question Part 2 Mark

Start from the beginning

When get out of the shower. I quickly got dry and put on my black suit with a white shirt and my purple tie. After that I go a fix my hair so perfect.

I rush out the bathroom because phone went off. I look who it was.

'Look forward to see you tonight.' - Huahwi

I quickly reply ' Pick you up in twenty minutes, okay see you then. xxx.'

I sit down on my bed think about tonight. Next thing I know it's time me leave to pick up Huahwi. I run down stair and shout. "Bye mum is got to go now."

"Be careful my little minions." She shouted back as close the door. I didn't have the money to afford anything special to arrive in so I'm just drive my little purple mini with Mark written on the right side of the car in yellow. I think it cute.

I arrive at Huahwi home with in 2 minutes. Turn out that he live pretty close to me. I hop out of the car and start to walk up to the door. I knock once before the door open by the sexy guy ever Huahwi. I just have check him out. He wearing a dark grey suit with a white top and red tie. His hair is style differently it all to left instead of a bed hair for once. It look like put a lot of effort to look good for tonight. What make me smile. I quit starring at him.

"You ready to go?" I asked.

"More like you finish stare at me?" He giggled.

"I'm sorry but you look handsome." I said, blushing.

"Thanks, you don't look half bad yourself Mark." He said walking out the door. 'Seriously this guy is kill me with his cuteness.'

We got in the car and head to prom.

Time skip

We finally arrived at prom with ten minutes to spare.

"We here." I said look at Huahwi.

Huahwi didn't say anything.

"Huahwi are you okay?" I asked.

"Yeah, I'm just a bit nervous. That all." He said.

"It okay to be nervous Huahwi." I said touching his shoulder.

(Awkward silent(Kelly Kpopp))

"I'm nervous to you know the nothing to be affair about." I said as Huahwi look down and put his head in his hand.

(Another awkward silent.)

"There something else your worried about isn't there." I said.


"Huahwi, I can't help you if you don't tell me.....Huahwi look at me......Please, just look at me." I said getting mad.

He lift his head slowly and turn to face me. I look straight in his eye's. His eye's start to water.

"Huahwi, please don't cry. This all my fault." I said.

"It not you Mark....Worry what they are going to say." He said.

"You mean Jane and Paul." I said.

"Yeah." He said quietly.

"If they say anything about you I will hit them." I said.

"Really." He said quietly.

"Yeah, I will. I just can't stand see you like this. I.just want to Umm....Anyway you want go in." I said. 'Funge I near said it omg Huahwi would  disguise of me.' I thought get out of the car.

"Wait Mark."  Huahwi said get out the car.

"You never finish what you said  you just want to." He said.

"It's nothing Huahwi, Can we go in now." I said quickly.

"Mark your just changing the subject." He said. 'Oh funge Huahwi please no.' I thought.

"Mark tell me, please." He said.

"I just want to kiss you." I shouted and quickly put my hand over my face in embarrassment.

"I know that should think about you in that...." I said before Huahwi shut me up by kissing me.

He pull away first. I was still in."Mark I like you too." He said.

"Yay, now let's go and party are butts." I said grab his hand drag him to prom.

Hi guys, here another chapter.
Sorry about the wait.

Love guy's and would be here without.



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