Xotik's Words

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Here is a recording by my friend, Xotik, which he had apparently taken after our first mission. I found it recently, after....

But you don't need to know all that, that comes later in my story. I will now play the recording.

Hello! My name is Xotik Fibix, and I am from Atakaktos, planet Diavolokos! I was born to Prasino and Kitrina in 503 TTL, two court-jesters! 

A court-jester, by the way, is a Runner by trade.

From the tender age of 3, I had already decided I would be a Time Warrior! Because of my precocity, I was allowed to join the Time Warriors 3 years before tradition allowed, at the age of 17 TTL, in 520 TTL!

When I came there, I was so scared! Lord Tafos was a big man, and that purple woman looked like she would eat both my pointy nice ears for lunch! I liked the happy man, though! He was nice!

There were three other Cadets with me when I joined!

Cadet Charkas, a big scary shark-man!

Cadet Blemat, a blue-eyed serious guy who never spoke!

Cadet Melsur, who looked like an ordinary human!

Then, Lord Tafos gave a scary speech, and told us to open those pills! Those bags were heavy. I think I made a slight fool of myself then! Lord Tafos then told us we'd have to work together, an idea which I was not too happy about, because of the scary shark-man. 

He glared at me, and called me stupid. Before I could retaliate, however, Melsur came up to him (he was way smaller than Charkas) and used some bad words! Mom would never have approved of him! Then, Charkas was about to whack him with those big hands of his, so I used a nifty trick I'd learned from Dad and paralyzed him! I made a very nice friend that day!

Then, when we came to our quarters, Melsur had a little problem with the bed. See, I'll show you the bed.  

He then pointed the recorder at the bed, but you don't need to see that. Actually, you know what, let's skip a little ahead.


You don't need to see that part either, skip ahead, skip ahead.

Anyway, we had a mission today, and Melsur came up with a plan, that Blemat told me. I don't remember the details, because it was pretty boring, but we solved it! We're finally Time Warriors!

And that was him. Sorry if he came across as a little excited, most Diavolokians are like that. I just had to show you this because I felt a little nostalgic.

Ah, how I miss my friend....

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