How I Set Upon My Path

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5 years later

I was now a fully fledged Time Warrior, ready for his first mission. As I confidently walked up to the Time Council, my mother's words echoed in my mind. "You have a  great destiny, filius. See to it that it is lived up to." I smiled, and wondered if I could.

I walked through the Golden Gate, which instantly teleported me to the Time Council. Next to me, I saw three others in the same attire as me.

One had a shark-like face, with bricks for hands. His countenance was cruel and ruthless, and I instantly knew that he was Time Warrior-material. He caught me looking at him, and glared. I glared back until he lowered his gaze, and I smirked silently.

The next one wore a complete biker's suit, along with the helmet, which hid all his features except for his eyes. Blue and deep, they belied the great ferocity within. I nodded to acknowledge his presence, and he nodded back in reply.

The third one was a tiny elf-like creature, with pointy ears and a pointy nose, but his long legs and nimble fingers gave his true personality away. I smiled at him, and he grinned impishly back at me.

"Cadet Melsur. Cadet Charkas. Cadet Blemat. Cadet Xotik. You have been summoned here for your briefing. As your files state, all of you have been to the Time Center, so I shall not waste time on the preliminaries, but I must give you this warning- Time is an extremely delicate construct and must not be interfered with in even the slightest way, for that could have catastrophic consequence, such as the destruction of the space-time continuum." spoke the Head of the Time Council, Lord Tafos. 

Next to him, a merry-looking old man chuckled and said, "Don't mind old Tafos, he scares every new recruit this way. Anyway, we should inform you of your missions and your equipment."

A purple woman on the other side of Lord Tafos took a scroll from the table, and read it out loud. "Each Cadet shall receive: One space-pod, three annihilators (these were basically guns containing antimatter), one contingency annihilator, one all-purpose suit, one transponder and one communicator. All of this shall be provided in this-" She threw a pill at us. 

Instinctively, we all pressed it, and it turned into a backpack. Upon opening it, we found the things she'd just been naming.

"Oh yeah, I'm gonna kick some ass with this" growled the shark fellow, Charkas. I rolled my eyes.

A voice filled my head. You are not fond of the Charkas fellow? I looked towards Blemat, stunned. I thought, You're telepathic? 

Indeed. All Blesomans are.

Ah, I see.

The Charkas fellow, he is not too amiable.

Yeah, very grumpy sort of guy.

I concur.

Our thoughts were interrupted by Xotik, who squealed, "This suit is too big for me!"

"Cadet Xotik, please put it on."


"Please put it on."

"Oh, alright, alright." I and the merry man next to Lord Tafos snickered. Xotik put it on, and gasped dramatically. "It fits!" Tafos sighed.

Tafos was just about to speak, when Xotik again grunted, "This.. bag... is.... HEAVY!" At this point, none of us could control our laughter, and we guffawed loudly. Even Tafos allowed himself a smile.

"Cadet Xotik, please come to us for any assistance you may require after your briefing is completed. The rest of the Cadets, please move to the Time Center for your first mission. You will go in groups of four. Very conveniently, you are already four in number!" he said.

Blemat groaned in unison with me. Charkas yelled, "Aw, come on! Not with these guys! Look at this fellow, he's so dumb!" He pointed at Xotik.

I walked up to him and glared at him defiantly. "He isn't dumb. If you have a problem with any of us, ***********" (I apologise for the use of expletives, but that guy just got me hopping mad) "Pigaine sta korakia!"

He raised his brick-like hand to smash it in my face, and I moved a hand to block his hit, when he suddenly crashed onto the floor, immobilised. Xotik then jumped over his body, triumphant and looked at me, squeaking, "You have made a loyal friend today, Melsur! I shall always stand by you!" I bowed in acknowledgement and smiled at him.

Lord Tafos cleared his throat and said, "Perhaps we should assign another member to your team. As you have decided to delay our plans, all of you can go to your quarters, which are now together at the Quentalorion (The hotel for the Elite) and await further instructions. Shigran!"

"Shigran!" I, Blemat and Xotik chanted together.

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