Chapter 12: "Everything's Changing"

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My heart was jumping with excitement and nervousness as I adjusted my prom dress. It was royal blue with ruffles at the bottom and a slight sparkle. My hair was in ringlet curls while my bangs were pinned to the side. I bit back a smile when I heard the doorbell, hurrying there to find Shawn.

"Wow...," he trailed off as he took in my whole outfit.

"Hey," I shyly greeted, him stepping forward to peck my lips gently. "You look so handsome."

"Thanks," he smiled, finding my hand after putting the white corsage on my wrist.

I kept grinning like an idiot as we arrived at the big event, Cory and Topanga already dancing together. I melted when Shawn placed his hands on my waist as I wrapped my arms around his neck. It was as though we were the only two people in the building as we swayed together. His blue eyes were sparkling as they gazed into mine, me reluctantly leading him over to our table when the song ended.

"So, do you want to go back to the car," he casually asked.

"What would we do?"

"Play." I wasn't thrilled with what he was insinuating, but I couldn't help but get butterflies none the less on how he said that word. I could feel myself blushing as I giggled, putting my hand near my mouth as I tried to hide it.

"Shawn...," I dragged out in a whine.

"Kimberly...," he mimicked, giving me de ja vu of when we did that before we were dating.

"You know that I'm not ready for anything like that."

"I know. I just thought I'd try since Cory and Topanga are getting a room," he casually shrugged.

"Wait, they are?"

"Yeah. They already left."

I brushed my hair from my cheek before Shawn offered another dance, us just staying close the whole evening. Cory and Topanga ended up joining us too, deciding not to take that next step in their relationship yet.

I sat beside Shawn on the stairs in the hallway when graduation was nearly here, gently nudging my knees with his.

"Hey," I quietly greeted.

"Hey," he echoed, moving his head from leaning against the wall.

"You know I'm really proud of you for working at that photography place. I'm glad Cory finally stopped bothering you about Penn Brook. I'm not even sure if I'm going to college."

"What do you mean? You didn't say anything about this," he quietly observed, scrunching his eyebrows together slightly.

"I'm just not sure if college is for me. I know that I got accepted to Penn Brook, but I would hate to be there without you."

"You'll have Cory and Topanga."

"Yeah, and they're great, but they're not you."

"Hey, I'm not going to be upset if you don't go to college, but I think you should."

"Why? The only thing I like about school is you. I still hate it a lot."

"Because you're smart, and you have the potential to go places. You've always had that. That's something I've never had. I've always had an eskimo in my way," he gestured to his chest as I looked over at him.

"I could model for you at your work," I suggested.

"As much as I would love that, I don't want the other guys there seeing you naked too."

"I wouldn't be modeling nude." I playfully pushed his shoulder as he shook his head.

"You still might be wearing something skimpy. I don't want other people to look at my girlfriend like that."

I wrapped my arms around him from the side as I rested my head on his shoulder. "Everything's changing. Chubbie's is no more, and it's scary to think we'll be on our own after high school ends."

"Hey, we're not changing."

"Promise me that we never will?"

I lifted my head as his blue orbs locked with mine. "I can't promise that, but I think we'll be together for a long time."

I weakly smiled as I just held onto his hand, the scene fading to our official graduation day.

The words stuck in my mind as Shawn did the valedictorian speech, since Topanga had passed on the honor to him. "I could have done better."

When he found me on the bleachers on the stage, I couldn't help but give him an instant side hug. "I love you so much," I breathed, kissing his cheek.

"I love you so much too," he replied with a charming grin. I wished I could freeze these moments in time, but eventually they swirled into a memory and the world of college was upon us. Shawn ended up going to the same institution, and I dreamed of what the next four years would be like for us, believing that he was doing the same.

A/N: Hey guys, I hope you enjoyed this chapter. It was kind of a filler, since I'm anxious to write about them in college. Please remember to comment, vote, and follow. Thank you so much! <3

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