user29 this whole thing puts a new perspective on billie and i mean that positively

user682 NOT SAD ENOUGH /j



BILLIE HAD INVITED ME to the premiere of her documentary, I was tempted to say no because I'm still not over everything that happened with us and I can't tell if that's a flaw in my personality or not but I can hold a grudge for all eternity, I decided to be a big girl and go.

I didn't wear anything special it was a small group of people Billie was close with still don't know why she invited me since we could barely classify ourselves as friends but it's whatever, I wore an oversized white tee with fake leather pants and naked Wolfe platforms that I'm obsessed with, I left for the theater where she was hosting the party, we all got to watch it a week in advance to it coming out which was cool but to be honest I probably wouldn't have watched it on my own time.

I finally make it to the theater she had rented out of this little get-together, I made my way inside with everyone we all had gotten tested for that evil little virus and had been quarantined two weeks after just to be safe every one of course still had a mask because it's better to be safe than sorry, I see everyone talking to each other and it made me feel kind of awkward because I didn't really know everyone here that well I make my way through the group of people and find myself a nice corner to stand in while everyone else mingled, this feels like a party I didn't want to attend but still somehow got dragged into anyway

"Bro what the- Oh Venus there you are" I hear Billie say I look up from my phone seeing Billie approach me, she was wearing an oversized sweater and jeans with a classic pair of Jordan's I could feel her eyes scan my outfit so I shifted, slightly uncomfortable under her gaze but she probably felt the same way since I was doing the same thing.

"Yeah, sorry- I'm usually a wall hugger at any get together ever" I joke which made her roll her eyes playfully

"Felt" She laughed "Hold on one sec" As she said that she turned around "Uh everyone you can head into the theater now the movie is about to start in 10!" She announced and everyone cheered a few of her friends hugged her before making their way into the theater there were a few more people when she turned back to me

"You're sitting near me" She stated, my eyes widening slightly at her words

"Well that's surprising" I muttered and she just shrugged walking into the theater I guess that was my queue to follow her in so I trail after her, I never really noticed how tall I was compared to Billie, to be fair she's 5'4 and I'm 5'8 not mentioning the four inches the platforms I'm wearing add, we were sat in the middle row next to Drew and Zoe, Billies best friends since birth practically I sat down being on the open end of the row, I was going to sit with my legs crossed up on the seat but it feels weird not bouncing my leg against the floor so I pulled up one of legs to chest resting my chin on my knee letting the other to bounce, We had a few minutes before the doc played and I'm way too awkward to talk to Billie and her friends so I just scroll through instagram, I notice the theater-going dark so I turn off my phone and put it on do not disturb.

"Inpatient?" I hear Billie whisper and I turn my head giving her a puzzled look before she points at my leg and I could help but laugh a little, I shake my head

"No, I have Adhd remember? it's one of my presenting 'symptoms'" I answer just as quietly using air quotes when I said symptoms Billie made a face of realization making me grin in amusement, she clearly couldn't believe she forgot that detail about me

"Dude- wow I'm so dumb" She scoffs making me shake my head

"I don't expect you to remember things like that sometimes I even forget I have it" I shrug "Now shh it's starting" I add, she smirks slightly and turns away

I literally hate myself for finding that attractive


Not going to lie the documentary was really good, Billie burst into tears during certain parts and I laughed almost every time she did, in my defense I tend to laugh at the worst times like I could have cried during one part, my eyes LIGHTLY misted with tears- yeah okay I'm lying a tear slipped or two not that I'd let her see, I did see myself at the VIP party in the background but I highly doubt people are gonna put two and two together I go to Coachella every year it happened and can you blame me, my favorite artist, in one place for the price of one? Sign me up and I usually save up money from my old job to go every year with VIP once and don't regret it I met some cool celebrities during that time, it's also kind of ironic now that I'm now a "celebrity" though I don't feel like one I'd like to think I'm just a human well know to the public

People start filing out of the theater slowly but surely I get up from my seat letting Billie and her friends out of the row, looking down at my phone reply to a few texts from my friends, When I looked up I realized everyone had left I tuck my phone into my pocket ready to walk out

"Venus?" Billie called out, I look over toward the exit she was standing near it was she waiting or did she come to find me?

"Sorry had to reply to some friends" I explain and she nods, I start making my way over to the exit I was about to leave when she gently grabbed my wrist I turn to her in confusion and she quickly let's go after she noticed what she did

"Fuck- uh sorry about that I just had a quick question for you" She apologies and I gave a small smile as a go ahead for the question

"It's seriously not important I just want to ask if you wanted to see the documentary with all the part we cut out of you and any mention of you?" She asked and I rolled the question over in my head before answering

"Is there something important for me to see in it?" I question and she shakes her head no

"Then no thanks I'm sure it won't change the viewing experience if I see myself in it" I shrug and she nodded looking like she was debating saying something before she gave up

"Let's just get out of here I'm sure people are wondering where I went" She sighs I give a look of confusion as she had a look of defeat drawn across her face




yes, I too want to punt venus

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yes, I too want to punt venus

𝐒𝐇𝐄 𝐊𝐍𝐎𝐖𝐒 𝐈𝐓 (BILLIE EILISH) DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now