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Chapter 5

The men ran over to Bridget with fear building inside of them, their hearts speeding up as they got closer to her still body.

"Are you okay?" Horatio asked, concern flowing over his normal tone. Bridget didn't answer, she only unclenched her fists and dropped her gun to her side. She stared motionless at the dead bat in the door way of the closet, with a bullet in the middle of its head.

"Is any of the blood yours?" Ryan asked to confirm she was okay.

"Nope. But at the moment I wish it was." She looked over to the dead body and shook a little blood off her fingers. Horatio held out a hand and helped Bridget to her feet.

"Wow what happened in here." Calleigh asked as she stood in the door way.

"Didn't you hear the gunshot?" Eric asked as he and Ryan put up their guns.

"Um no," Calleigh was obviously confused.

"I'll get you some evidence bags and a change of clothes." Horatio told Bridget and walked out of the room.

Calleigh, Eric, Ryan and Bridget stood in the room and just looked at each other. Bridget held her arms out to her side and looked over how much blood was on her. Euh seen worse. She thought to herself.

"So is anyone going to tell me why Bridget's covered in blood and...well...everything else?" Calleigh asked, looking to the kicked down door, then to Bridget and then to the body.

After Bridget changed clothes and put her bloody clothes into evidence bags she walked out of the cold house and into the Miami heat. The sky was clear of any clouds and the neighborhood was beautiful. The only blemish was the crime scene tape in front of the, unexpected, slaughter house in the middle of the neighborhood.

Bridget walked up to Horatio in a navy blue, MDPD issued, jump suit with a few brown evidence bags in her hands.

"You know, I think blues my color." Bridget joked as she stood beside Horatio and his Hummer. Horatio let out somewhat of a laugh. "I'll take you back to the house to shower and change, if you would like." Bridget pretended to think the offer over.

"Yeah, a shower sounds nice right now." she answered in a tone somewhere between sarcastic and confident.

"So, how many bodies are there?" Bridget asked.


Autopsy 2:01pm

Horatio walked into the autopsy room to find a row of five bodies. All five had a heart carved into their chest and a bullet in the center of their forehead.

"Have you got anything?" Horatio asked as he looked over all the bodies.

"I've only started on the first one. It well take me at least three days to process all of the bodies." Tom said in a panicked tone.

"Well, just tell me what you have now." Horatio said calmly.

"This woman was killed first, about a month or so ago and our earliest victim was killed about thirteen hours ago. I found some kind of fiber between the teeth of the last victim so I sent it to the lab for analyzing. That's all I have now but I'll tell you if I find anything else." Tom explained.

"Thank you Tom,"

Horatio's House 2:30pm

Bridget stood in the bathroom with the blow drier on high, her head flipped over and her hair blowing in all directions. Once the bottom layer of her hair was dry she flipped her head up and jumped a little when she saw Horatio standing in front of her.

R.I.P My Miami Love (CSI: Miami FanFic)Where stories live. Discover now