Better Man

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Chapter 4

It had been a month and a half since Bridget had left Chicago and she was ready to go home. But she decided to stay and help with one more case for two reasons. The first reason, her flight wasn't for five days. The second, she loved Ryan Wolfe and wasn't ready to leave him.

Crime Lab11:30am

Bridget was really late for work, because she had the bad idea of letting Horatio leave with out her so she could sleep in "...for just a few more minutes." She had told Horatio as her head fell back into her pillow. Well the few minutes turned into a few hours.

Bridget swooped into the empty parking place and jumped out of her car. "I'm soooo sooooo late! God I'm soo late!" She repeated as she almost run to the entrance. Once Bridget was in the crime lab she started walking and trying to calm down.

"CSI Smith, running later are we?" The officer that ran the front desk asked with a smile.

"I have a letter for you." The lady told her and held out the envelope. Bridget snatched the letter. Her blood ran cold as she stared blankly at the fifth letter she had received from the same unknown person.

"Thank you," Bridget emptily thanked the lady and took the letter. As soon as she was in the elevator she ripped opened the envelope. Each time it said about the same thing like hello, I love you, guess who, things like that. This time it was different.

My love, I can't wait to see you. Don't worry it will be soon.


Your love

A chill was sent down Bridget's spine. She looked to see if there was a return address, but, like every time, the only thing on it was, "To Bridget Smith". She froze and stared at the letter. As soon as the elevator doors opened Ryan popped up in front of Bridget. She quickly stuffed the letter and envelop in her pocket.

"Hey," Bridget said with a fake smile.

"Hey, your late." Ryan said as the two walked into the lad.

"Yeah I know, I over slept. Did Horatio notice?" Bridget ask.

"Well you can ask in 5..4..3 2." Ryan counted down as Horatio walked over to them.

"Your late," Horatio told Bridget."Oh so you did notice." Once Bridget said that all their cellphones rang.

"Saved by the bell." Ryan teased. Bridget playfully pushed him and got back on the elevator.

Ride to Crime Scene 11:50am

Bridget decided to ride with Ryan this time. She would drive but since she's a guest the department won't let her drive her own Hummer.

"So you know I'm leav-" She was about to tell Ryan she's leaving to Chicago Friday.

"Hey, guess what I got." Ryan said, not taking his eyes off the road. Bridget went along with it.

"Ummm what?"

"First take one guess." He told her trying to hold back a huge smile.

"I have no idea. What?" She said, a little scared but excited at the same time. Ryan just smiled.

"Come on! Tell me!" Bridget said impatiently.

"Look on the back seat." Ryan told her. Bridget curiously looked at Ryan. Ryan quickly looked over to her.

"Go on look." His smile growing larger. Bridget looked over the back set and saw a kit. She graded the silver CSI kit from the back seat and sat it on her lap.

R.I.P My Miami Love (CSI: Miami FanFic)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat