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[chapter 27]


sunlight peeked through embroidered curtains, onto the two bodies intertwined on the couch. punz was already awake, scrolling away on his phone, trapped under sapnap, who was snoring faintly.

"alright, c'mon, sapnap. i have to make us breakfast," punz muttered, tossing his phone onto the armchair and pushing sapnap off him. the raven groaned and tried to pull punz back, but his grip was too weak and punz slipped out of it easily.

"i'll come get you when i have coffee." punz ruffled sapnap's hair as he strolled over to the kitchen, grinning at sapnap's tiny "'kay."

sapnap was up before the coffee had even finished brewing. the scent was enough for him to drag himself off the couch and into the kitchen with punz.

"what're you making?" sapnap asked, using his arms as a pillow and laying his head on them. punz glanced over his shoulder.

"just some pancakes," punz replied, "i can't make anything else."

the kitchen was quiet after that, the only sounds the coffee machine and punz cooking.

"here." punz set a plate in front of sapnap, then one next to him for himself. "you wanna finish up the first song today?"

sapnap nodded with a mouthful of pancakes.

"ew, you don't eat it with syrup?"

sapnap sat upside down on the couch, guitar in his lap as he waited for punz to finish up recording. he'd finally finished up tuning his guitar and they'd recorded that the second sapnap had finished.

"i'm done!" punz yelled, bursting out of the booth. sapnap jumped, almost dropping his guitar while punz burst into laughter.

"shut up! this shit is expensive, punz!" sapnap scolded the blond, but he was smiling too.

when punz calmed down, they worked together in silence. they figured out the next cover they'd do, then punz helped sapnap figure out all the correct notes he had to play. at some point sapnap just looked up a youtube tutorial while punz made them a snack.

"hey, punz? can you—"

punz turned around at the exact same time sapnap did, and they were so close their noses were touching. while sapnap's heart was trying to leap out of his body, they both started laughing, though sapnap's was a bit more forced, and he quickly scooted away.

"uh, sorry. anyway... nevermind, i forgot," sapnap groaned. punz laughed again and lifted sapnap's guitar out of his hands.

"how about we invite niki and minx over and we can have a little hangout?" punz asked softly. sapnap nodded, tucking his knees into his chest.

"and dream and fundy, or else dream won't ever talk to me again."

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