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"So, what song should we do?" Felix asked the older male.

"I don't care." Chan stated.

Felix bit his lip. His mind went back to the last song he listened to.

"How about Fire on fire by Sam smith." Felix suggested.

Chan shrugged.

Felix sighed. The older was of no help and it was getting frustrating.

Felix stood up and walked to Jisoo.

"Jisoo~noona. Is there a way I can do this project myself? I actually work better by myself." Felix asked.

Jisoo hummed.

"I suppose you can do it by yourself just tell Chan, okay?" She smiled.

Felix smiled and nodded.

The male went back to Chan and collected his stuff.

Chan look confused.

"I am doing this project by myself." Felix left the older and sat somewhere else.

He sighed as he looked through his Playlist. He smiled when he saw the song he wanted to cover.

He put on his head phones and listened to the song.

Multiple pairs of students had already left to record the song.

He stood up collecting his stuff he told Jisoo that he was going to head to the recording area to start his song.

He sighed as he got everything set up.

His voice kept its deep register but, it was soft and steady as he sang 'I miss you, I'm sorry' by Gracie Abrams.

"Do you remember, happy together? I do, don't you? Then, all of a sudden your sick to your stomach, it that still true? You said, "Forever, " in the end I fought it. Please be honest, are we better for it? Thought you'd hate me, but instead you called And said, "I miss you" I caught it" Felix sang.

He continued. Redoing some parts here and there.

Once he finished, he listened to it back. He smiled at the finished product.

He looked at the time. 4 p.m. he pulled his flash drive from the computer, deciding to send it to Jisoo later.

He stretched his aching limbs, from sitting all day.

"I still gotta make dinner." Felix mumbled to himself.

He exited the studio, making a beeline towards the dorms. Once he made it back to the dorms he looked around and realized that the brunet alpha was not there.

He sighed taking off the scent blockers, the adhesive from them agitating his skin.

He rubbed over his scent glands trying to sooth the itch from the adhesive.

"Maybe, I should stop wearing them for awhile..." Felix muttered throwing the offending item away.

The male let out a puff of air and grabbed the ingredients he would need to make food.

"So, why exactly are you staying here tonight.?" Minho questioned.

"Just cause." Chan muttered indifferently.

"Okay, care to elaborate.?" Minho asked.

"Just don't wanna be around my roommate right now." Chan sighed sitting on the couch.

"I mean I guess it is okay, with me but, I do have a roommate now." The beta stated.

"Hey, I'm back well, not for long. I am heading over to a friend's in a bit." Changbin spoke entering the dorm.

Chan internally groaned, he completely forgot who Minho's roommate is.

"Hey, bin. Uhm, is it okay if my friend stays the night?" Minho asked.

"Yeah, of course just uhm, stay away from my stuff, please." Changbin told them grabbing a soda from the fridge.

"Will do. When are you coming back from your friends?" Minho asked.

"I'll be back at around 9 since it is 5 already." Changbin stated.

Minho gave a thumbs up as the alpha left.

Felix was only getting slightly worried. It was now 10 at night and Chan wasn't back.

"Maybe, he was just being polite and really doesn't want me as a roommate." Felix whispered to himself.

Felix's bottom lip trembled at the thought. He might've only known the older for a short amount of time but, besides Changbin, Jeongin and he supposes Hyunjin, Chan was the only other Alpha who didn't try to take advantage of the fact Felix was an omega.

Then, there was his parents or well his mom. His dad didn't like that his only son turned out to be an omega.

Felix sighed and wiped the tears that had fallen. He too a deep breath trying to calm down but, it didn't work. Eventually, he fell asleep surrounded by his plushies.

Chan was having the opposite issue. He was not able to fall asleep. His mind kept running back to the young omega. The way he smelled, the way he look fluffy when he smiled and pretty much everything.

"I've known him barely two days, get your shit together Chan." The alpha scolded himself.

Nope, it didn't work. He still kept think about the cute freckled faced blond back at their dorm.

Chan huffed and sat up. He grabbed his stuff and stood up. Thankfully, not waking anyone else up, he was able to leave the room.

He sighed as he unlocked the door to his dorm. The scent of strawberries attacking his nose. But, there was another scent. A scent that didn't belong to him nor Felix.

A low snarl came from the male as he realized what it was. It was the scent from Changbin, that annoying cinnamon smell that Chan was growing to dislike.

He was able to trace the smell to the source and it was coming from Felix. Not really, surprising since the younger was pretty much all over the alpha earlier.

But, that wasn't the only thing Chan noticed. He also notice the dry tears on the youngers face which made him a bit upset.

"Why were you crying?" The alpha whispered so he wouldn't wake the younger.

'Why am I so attached to him?' Chan sighed.

The male sighed as he grabbed a shirt from his closet.

He shook the younger awake.

"Here. Change." Chan gave the shirt to the younger then, turned around. After some rustling there was a small 'I'm done.'. To which Chan turned and nearly cooed at the site.

The shirt was a little too big for the younger.

Chan picked up the Youngers previous clothes glaring at the sweater he set the in the dirty clothes bin.

"Where were you, Hyung?" Felix was still half asleep so his voice was coming out soft and small.

"I was at Minho's. Sorry, for making you worry." Chan apologized.

"It's fine, just text me next time." Felix mumbled dosing off.

"Of course." There was a light smile playing at the olders lips as he watched the younger dose off. He sighed and laid back in his own bed, falling asleep almost instantly.

Hopefully, tomorrow would be better.

Strawberries ✓Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora