"Do we have a problem in here?" Coulson says acting like he didn't see the argument that's happening.

Ward looked at him and stood up straighter as he said "No sir, Just working on our communication. Not everyone was prepared for a firefight."

"We got out, didn't lose anyone, saved a few of theirs. I'd say we did all right. Anything else?" Coulson says. No one said anything until Skye raised her hand slowly.

Skye said "Uh, yeah. I have a small question because I've been feeling like the tagalong hayseed rookie, but now I get the sense that Ward doesn't know which one's Simmon and which one Fitz, and they've seen even less gunfire than me. Oh and Alex....." She looked at me and I waited there but then she turned back to Coulson saying "Actually Alex is good since he is like me and has an excuse. I'm no rocket scientist but is this your first mission together?"

"No. Of course not. It's our second," Simmons says to her confidant. "We were your first? That's sweet," Skye says after she to her. I smiled a little trying not to say anything.

"You're amused?" Ward says to her. "I'm terrified. I am in way over my head, but I have been on this team just as long as any of you. I might as well be team captain, " Skye said to him. I looked at her strangely and then she looks at me and then turns back and says "And Alex is co-captain." I laugh a little at the fact she trying to include me too.

"I'll be honored," I joke to her and she smiled a little as we faced the team again. Everyone else didn't find it amusing I guess. They all looked at us crazy.

"I was joking, but maybe that's not a bad idea, because these guys do not like each other much," Skye says pointing at the group excluding me.

"This isn't about that. I'm a specialist. Today, I could have eliminated the enemy threat myself if I was working alone, but I had non-combat ready agents..." Ward says to Coulson.

"Whoa, whoa. Wait. You work alone?" Fitz says to Ward. Simmons walks over and says "So typical. Who do you think designs your equipment?" Then Fitz adds in "Or the polymers for your weaponry." That's when Simmons adds in yeah

Then both Fitz and Simmon say "People like us do it." Then Fitz added, "Try going into the field with just your bare bum."

Me and Skye moved out of the way as the argument started and was by Coulson. "See them proving the point I just made?" Skye said to Coulson. He looked at us and then at the table.

"You're not wrong. We still need to iron out the kinks. But Ward you can speak six languages. Simmons, you have two PhDs in fields I can't pronounce, Fitz you are a rocket scientist. So work it out," Coulson says to us then and walks out. Me and Skye just stand there looking dumb as he didn't say anything about us.

"Hey, we're good at stuff too you know!" I yelled after him as he walked out. I looked at Skye and she just shrugged at me as everyone else went separate ways.

Me and Skye went upstairs and hung out in our bunks. I just looked around mine a little before hearing a little knock on the door. I got up and open it to Skye standing there with a bottle. "Want a drink with me?" She asks me. I smiled "heck yes."

We went into the room and Ward was sitting there reading a book on the couch. I looked at the book and said "Hunger games?" Ward looked up at us and said "Matterhorn. One of a hundred books my S.O. gave me that I'm getting around to."

Skye looked at him confused and I was with her wondering what an S.O. was. Ward looked up again and said "S.O. Supervising Officer." Skye nodded and said "Hackers have lingo, too, but I'll pick yours up. I feel like you and me, wrong foot. Want to join us on a drink?"

Ward hesitated a while before smiling and letting us sit. Skye sat down on the table and I sat by her. "What I said before. When I said the uprising was. Whatever I said. A good thing. I don't want you to think I'm oblivious. What I was talking about was the tweets." She put the bottle and glasses down on the table beside her.

It's been a while since I heard about tweets. Not a lot of people use Twitter anymore. "Tweets. Are you trying to make things better or worse?" Ward said to her.

"What she means is that it's different this time," I said to him. Skye nodded and said "Yeah. Peruvians have organized for the first time in decades. Thousands of suffering people who have never met uniting over a common idea? It's mind blowing. And I don't want to bring it up because I don't want to see your hate face, but...That's what the Rising Tide is all about."

Ward just looked at her and said "Okay." Then I lean back a little on the table and said "usually one person doesn't have the solution. But 100 people with 1% of the solution..." Skye finished it off by saying "that'll get it done." I smiled at her as she smiled back at me.

"I think that's beautiful. Pieces solving a puzzle," Skye said to him. Ward looked at her and then at me. "You two and I just see the world differently is all."

"Well, I've never been in a war zone during a war until today. That was crazy," She said. "I've never been shot before. That was something," I said to them. Skye laughed a little, making my heart feel light as she looked at Ward and said "I bet you see that a lot?"

Ward just looked at us and took the drink and chugged it. Skye looked at his side and said "Did you get shot?" He looked at his side and said "Skin deep. Nothing to worry about. It wasn't as bad as his." He pointed to me in the end as I started drinking a little trying to dull the pain a little from it. Skye looked at me and said "okay but this does explain why you were so pissed."

"I wasn't pissed. I was trained to be the whole solution. To eliminate variables and today they keep adding up." He looked at the soldiers beside us playing cards.

We heard the plane moving. "We're turning," I said aloud. "We've entered restricted airspace, so we have to follow certain flight paths. Regulation. This plane is capable of fully automated flight, but May has to be on stick herself tonight," Ward said to me describing how the plane works.

"You've got an S.O. May's got to be on the stick. Lots of good lingo on this plane," Skye said to him. Ward shrugged a little and said, "We just can't seem to understand each other."

Ward looked at the soldiers next to us again. I looked and noticed that one of the soldiers hadn't drunk anything yet. Ward looked back at us and whispered "Skye, hand me the bottle." She looked at him crazy and said "Okay, turbo, but you're still nursing the one you got."

"I'm not the only one." Skye looked over a little and saw it. "I noticed that too. What are you going to do?" I said to him.

"Alex, how good can you fight?" He asked me. I looked at him questioningly as I said "I could win a good bar fight here and there. Why?"

"Cause you're going to need it. Duck!" He said to us as I ducked and he moved Skye out of the way just as the soldier came over and he smashed the bottle on his hand and then punched him.

I got back up and saw the other soldier looking at me smiling. I smiled a little back at him as he rushed me. I turned as he tried to swing at me. I put my fists up as I dodged his punches. I swung at him and missed a little.

He swung again at me with me dodging. I backed up into the table and grabbed the cup. I threw the whiskey in his eyes as he backed up, rubbing his eyes, and then smashed the cup against his head. He passed out right after that.

Skye just looked at me shocked. I can't move as fast with my side but I can still fight a little.

Ward punched the last dude as Coulson ran down the stairs with the woman right behind him. I looked at the screen and saw a knife to Fitz's throat from a soldier. I looked and saw a soldier coming from behind Skye. I rushed him and hit him against the table but he just punched me hard in the side of my bullet wound. I staggered back a little and then he punched me, knocking me out.

The S.H.I.E.L.D. Chronicles of Alex HuaWhere stories live. Discover now