He leaned in closer, "I can think of a few things..."

You were saved the trouble of answering him as shouting could be heard just outside the gym making the two of you look to see what all the commotion was about.

Yamamoto was stood just outside the gym door shouting at Kenma again. The Fukurodani team were just leaving, the coach door was closing and the bus started moving away from the sports hall.

As the noise from the bus died down you could hear what Yamamoto was saying.

"I don't need your advice! It's all your fault we lost! I don't get it! You're so talented but you don't seem to care about the game! Where's your passion? Your enthusiasm? You need willpower to win! Make more of an effort instead of being so lazy all the time and maybe the third years won't feel like you're a waste of space!"

"I'm not lazy and I do want to win! Do you really think I don't hate losing too? I just don't see the point in wasting my energy running all over the court when I don't need to. The more energy you waste the more mistakes you make and that's when you get benched. That's how this game works! It's not all about brute strength and stamina, you've got to use your brain too!"

You'd never heard Kenma yell before. You were shocked.

"Are you saying I'm stupid?"

Yamamoto was squaring up to Kenma now and he looked like he was about ready to throw a punch. Kuroo stepped forward but with his arm the way it was, it was a bad idea to step in like he otherwise would have done.

But he needn't worry, Fukunaga stepped round the corner of the gym with a bucket of water and threw it over the pair drenching them both from head to toe bringing the argument to an end.

A couple of the third years clapped Fukunaga on the back for his quick thinking and the majority of the team headed off to the changing rooms while the sodden pair just stood there for a moment with their heads hung low.

Yamamoto was the first to move, he shook his head dislodging water from his hair and ears, then stomped off to get changed too. You and Kuroo walked up to Kenma.

"Are you ok?" You asked him, he looked up at you, water dripping from the ends of his hair.

"I'm fine, how's your arm?" he looked over to Kuroo.

"It'll be fine. You know when I said to try and make more of an effort to get along with the other guys, starting fights isn't quiet what I meant." Kuroo said snickering.

"Shut up, I didn't start anything, I just tried to give him some advice. Nobody on the team ever listens to me when you're not there." He said bitterly and pulled another pouty face.

"Come on, let's go get changed." Kuroo said slinging his free arm over Kenma's wet shoulder. "If you wait a bit Y/N we can walk back to the station together."

"Yeah sure." You said watching the boys head over to the changing rooms. You picked up the bucket that had just been left on the floor and put it back in the storeroom at the side of the gym. Then sat around on the steps while you waited for them to come back.

You can't believe Kenma actually got in a fight with another team member. You were starting to see a whole other side of him you didn't know was there.

He always said he wasn't all that bothered about Volleyball and that he only played it for Kuroo's sake, but you were starting to think that was a lie he was telling himself more than you or anyone else. If there was one thing you knew about your best friend, it was that he hated losing. It didn't matter what the game was, Mario Karts, Mortal Kombat, Chess, heck even Solitaire. You were sure Volleyball was no different.

He was a passionate person; he just didn't show it the same way other people did. You could see it in his eyes when he played. He was in his element; he was constantly thinking. Kuroo once called him the brain of Nekoma and you agreed completely.

Different people just had different opinions on how to play the game. Yamamoto seemed to think power and stamina won a game, where as Kenma had shown you today that strategy could be used instead to outsmart your opponent.

You hoped in time his teammates would see that and appreciate his skills as a player.

When Kuroo and Kenma came back from the changing room you stood up and gave Kenma a hug. He stood frozen to the spot unsure what to do as you held him tight.

"Don't worry Kenma, they'll understand you the way I do soon. Just give them time." You said into his shoulder.

"Should I get you two a room or...." Kuroo was teasing again, you could hear the grin in his voice even without looking at him.

You let go of Kenma and poked Kuroo in the ribs lightly on the side of his good arm. "You're lucky you're injured already otherwise that would have been a proper punch." You giggled and fell into step between the two boys taking Kuroo's gym bag from him to carry until you got to the station.

At the station you handed the bag back to Kuroo who instantly dumped it over Kenma's free shoulder earning him a dirty look from your friend before you got on different trains to head home.

AN: And that's all she wrote (so far) and in only 4 days! Don't worry, more to come, just got to write it first. I'll try upload bits at a time now rather than continuous writing and mass uploading. This won't be too long a story (she says) after all it was only supposed to be a one shot. :'-)

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First Year at Nekoma High - Kuroo and Kenma x FemReaderWhere stories live. Discover now