*first day of senior year intesifies*

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We're FINALLY at the first day of senior year

I have plans for this fic, and im not sure how long it will go on for... but this is a pretty big milestone .0.

( I had to search for a DEH slime tutorial to write this, so yall better be grateful >:(

It was the first day of senior year and Evan was currently in his room writing a therapy letter as he waited for Jared to come take him to school. See, his therapist decided that since Evan was going into senior year, he should write letters to himself, saying why it's gonna be a good day.

Dear Evan Hansen, today is going to be an amazing day and here's why.

Because today, all you have to do is just be yourself. Be true to yourself. But also confident, that's important. And interesting, easy to talk to. Approachable. But mostly, be yourself. That's number one. Be yourself, be true to yourself.

Also don't worry about whether your hands are going to get sweaty for no reason. And you can't make it stop no matter what you do. Because they're not going to get sweaty! And i dont even know why you're bringing it up. Because its's not going to happen! All you have to do is just be true to yourself.

Evan continued writing the letter when he heard his mom enter his room.

"So, did you just decide to not eat last night?"

Evan looked up from his laptop, "oh i, wasnt hungry..."

Heidi sighed, "you're a senior in high school Evan, you need to be able to order food for yourself while i'm at work. And plus, you can do it online now! Theres no need to talk to anyone on the phone. I know you dont like the phone."

"Well, thats n-not true actually, because, you have to talk to the, talk to the d-delivery person when they, when they come t-to the door, then they have to give you change, so the t-two of you are just, just standing in silence and its really awkward and just fnjksdnfjkldasjk. Pizza just isnt worth it-?"

Heidi sighed again, but regained her cool and changed the subject, "Have you been writing those letters to yourself? Ya know, 'Dear evan hansen, todays gonna be a good day and here's why!"

"I started one." Evan shrugged.

"Those letters are important, sweetie, they're gonna help you build your confidence!"

"I guess..."

"Hmm," Heidi paused, when suddenly an idea hit her, "hey! I know! You can go around today and ask the other kids to sign your cast! How bout that?"

"Perfect." Evan said with slight sarcasm, though its clear it didnt show.

"I'm proud of you already!"


Heidi seemed content with that, and left the room. Presumably to go to work. Leaving Evan by himself.


Connor was currently making his way downstairs to tell his mom that he wasn't going to go to school today. Why? Because 1, going to school meant he would have to face Evan and Jared, and he didn't feel like seeing them, because that would mean he'd have to talk to them. And 2, because he just got high as fuck and doesnt want to go to school.

"Oh Connor there you are." Cynthia said as she saw Connor enter the kitchen.

Connor picked up an apple from the kitchen counter, like he did every morning and turned towards his mom, ignoring both Zoe and Larry who were eating breakfast.

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