Taticul meu e la razboi

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The fucking song:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e5JyTypuSis

E liniște în codrul verde și în satul meu

Dar tata-i dus de multă vreme și-l aștept mereu

Tăticul meu e la război, de când aveam un an sau doi

Și n-a mai venit înapoi, tăticul meu

Tăticul meu e la război, de când aveam un an sau doi

Și n-a mai venit înapoi, tăticul me

(It's silence in the green forest and in my village

But father is gone from a long time and I'm waiting for him

My dear father is at the war,since I was one or maybe two

And he have never come back,my dear father

My dear father is at the war,since I was one or maybe two

And he have neer come back,my dear father)

You were scared.You were alone,and he promised he'll come back.He did,and you knew that,with all his heart,he wanted to come back,he wanted to be there,near you.You had a child with that man,and you loved him dearly.You wanted to see his beautiful eyes again,his hands again around your waist,his lips again on your lips,you missed him.You wanted to know about him,if he is fine,if he is hungry,and you decided to look for him

Și s-o dus mama să-l cate, măiculița mea

Peste dealuri peste sate, măiculița mea

Și-o ajuns în Munții Tatra

Și-o văzut casca lu' tata

Și-o văzut casca lu' tata, măiculița mea

Când o luat casca în mână

O văzut Stema Română

O văzut Stema Română, măiculița mea

(And mother want to look for him,my dear mother

Behind hills,behind villages,my dear mother

And she went in the Tatra mountains

And she saw my father's helmet

And she saw my father's helmet,my dear mother.

When sh took the helmet in her hand

She saw the Romanian emblem

She saw the Romanian emblem,my dear mother)

        You left the child to his grandparents and decided to follow your husband.You struggled and a friend of Vladimir,Iovan(Serbia),told you he saw him the last time in Slovacia.You ran there,you spend almost all your money,just to find him.

        And you didn't.Not because he wasn't there.but because he wasn't alive anymore.He failed to keep his promise.He failed to return.He failed to come back and see his child growing up,to see his wife.Not for you,but for the child,that poor child,that now had to grow without his father,without someone to protect him,without someone to help him.Because you were a weak woman,a poor woman that wanted nothing more than people around you to be happy.

        The civilians burried teh soldiers and put their things near the tomb.Between all of them,one had a helmet on the cross.It was a helmet that had,in the right part,a white,little eagle,.It was the eagle to represent the Latin roots of your husband,and the glory he should have returned in.

Și mama plânge în năframă, de atunci mereu

Și din durerea ei de mamă, am crescut și eu

Cand ar și samăn pe ogor, sacară și cu grâușor

Îmi arde inima de dor, tăticul meu

Când ar și samăn pe obor, sacară și cu grâușor

Îmi arde inima de dor, tăticul meu

(And mom cries in her kerchief,since then till now

And from her pain of a mother,I grew up

When I plough and sow  the ground,with rye and wheat

My heart burns because I miss him,my dear father

When I plugh and sow the ground,with rye and wheat

My heart burns because I miss him,my dear father)

You came back.Back in Romania,in the country you hated.You hated because of the war.Such a fool nation,helping everyon,germans and russins,everyone that cried for help.But now,there was no one to help you.No one to help you grow the little piece of flesh that you had.

As time passed,you managed to make your child one of the best people of the village.You told him about his father,his handsome,powerful father,that had to submit to the will of war.And he looked,with his big,red eyes,and wouldn't unedrstand,because he was little when the war started,he can't understand why his father had to go,and he won't understand why he hadn't returned.

Să vie tata și să vadă, câte s-au făcut

Pământu-ntreg e o livadă, cum nu s-a știut

Să vadă strugurii din vii și jocul dulce de copii

S-audă tril de ciocârlii, tăticul meu

Tăticule unde-ai rămas, pe drum de gloanțe la popas

Că n-ai mai venit până azi, tăticul meu

(My father to come home and to see,how much was done

The whole land is an orchard,unseen till now

To see the grapes of the vineyard and the sweet game of teh children

To hear the song of the larks,my dear father

Father,where have you remained,on a bulled road to rest

That you didn't come back till today,my dear father.

And now,after a long,tiresome life,you could meet,without regrets,your husband.

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