15| Outing

239 27 14

Yeosang's heart is beating rapidly in his chest every time he glances in the direction of Jongho. He can not believe how he has ended with having this well-proportioned knight as his personal guidance through his training - especially not when Seonghwa knows of his weakness for the manly gender. This must be fated to go wrong, for by every day he spends in the presence of the other, the desire for letting his guard down only grows taller and more uncontrollable. Yeosang gulps when he ashore foreign places he does not know how to escape from again.

The boy has noticed how Jongho dares not say too much while they implement the daily tasks and following their sparring in the ring he has not been able to look the knight in the eyes, despite his efforts. Yeosang stands on a heap of confusion that, perhaps, reaches deeper than what it should, but after all, the other has been ignoring him all day long.

He can hear the steps entering the empty church, but Yeosang keeps his knees resting at the floor in front of the altar, hands folded around the cross as Pastor Doyun lets him say the creed that he already fluently remembers now. Crooked fingers touch his shoulder gently when he finishes, and Yeosang opens his eyes to glance up at the Pastor, wording him something.

"You have come so long, my child, I believe it is because our Lord must have forgiven you."

Yeosang keeps himself from saying anything - because he knows, he should not. Not when he could be telling this man how wrong he is. God is nowhere forgiving him for anything, that shall be called a lie for how he still wishes for the Templar's knight to touch him again.

But Pastor Doyun does not know any better, and Yeosang lets him carry those beliefs instead of shattering those innocent thoughts of him. The man smiles at him and gestures for him to raise from the floor, "Your session has finished, you can accompany Jongho again. He awaits you," he says softly. The last sentence makes the boy turn around.

And there, sitting on one of the church's benches, Jongho sits, his hands braided delicately in his lap as he looks down at his black leather boots. His dark hair brushes his eyes this day. Yeosang can feel how his insides flutter when the man suddenly looks up at him.

"See you tomorrow, have a nice day, Yeosang," Pastor Doyun salutes before he leaves the sacred place by a different door than the one opened in the great end of the building.


The weather is warm, and he squints his eyes when they step outside the stable. When the sun trickles against his bare skin in a hot lick, Yeosang appreciates his choice of sleeve-short shirt to wear this day. His daring eyes wander over at the knight, who surely has had just the same view. But, as much as his mind seems to drift off again, his horse decides to pull its head downward and Yeosang's arm is dragged with. The boy startles away from his daydream to see how Harmony has buried his muzzle between the tufts of grass on the ground.

"Hey! Not now!" Yeosang exclaims as he pulls at the bridle, heaving Harmony's head upward again. Scolding, he glares at the stallion when he sees how he satisfied chews the grass.

Suddenly he notices how his horse raises his head even more and directs his ears at something before them. A strike of nervosity rolls through the boy, and his head whirls around to see how the knight has already mounted his horse; leaving the place.

Yeosang yells at the other before struggling himself into Harmony's saddle, "Jongho! Wait for me!"

As he pulls himself up, his horse has already run after the others and Yeosang clings to the hard leather equipment with only one foot in a stirrup and a heart that leaves his chest. His sight flicks around while his head comes to conclusions before he has the time to do anything, he will fall off. Then he sees how Jongho swings himself around in the saddle and catches the reins attached to his horse's bridle that makes them pull to a stop. A sudden gasp escapes Yeosang's lips, but only silence follows.

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