16| Pledge

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The hands lifting him to stand are the ones waking him from his sleep. When he opens his eyes, they are met with a strong orange and rosy glow painted across the sky, and his feet which are levitating above the safe ground make nerves itch in his whole being.

"Jongho?" the boy mumbles still stupefied with sleep, but when he stands on the ground again, his eyes stand wide open. A teasing hand is sneaking around his waist from behind and the hot breath that touches his neck makes goosebumps become visible in the tight and lukewarm evening air.


A deep blush splays all over Yeosang's cheeks when he suddenly feels the touch of lips against his warm skin, kissing from the hind of his ear down to his shoulder that stays revealed by his shirt. When the man leans even closer until his back collides with his chest, Yeosang lets out a sigh as all tenses suddenly leave his life at that exact moment. Even though he keeps his eyes open, he cannot see anything, as his mind leaves him to escape reality like the other times. Unconsciously, the boy lifts his arms above his head and locks them behind the knight's head, leaning back until his mess of hair rests against the other and he stares right into a set of eyes. Slightly parted lips invite him to a dance, and Yeosang cannot thank him no when the Knights Templar asks him this alluringly.

Their lips gently fuse like lock and key and open the world that hides boundless stars and suns and moons and Yeosang wants to touch them with his fingertips. The closest he gets is to look into Jongho's bright eyes. He senses the warmth of air coming from the knight's nose when pupils flow into each other, starstruck. A warm hand holds his back and chest, caging him in a protective hold that makes Yeosang's stomach flutter with heavenly sensations. The boy tilts his head even more that has Jongho touching his lower lip with his tongue in a beseeching manner and Yeosang weaves the moist texture into his own when he swallows dead air. His body feels on fire for every gap Jongho suffocates between them by how he kisses himself nigh, moving his lips addictively with his own as he lets his muscle tangle in his mouth. The boy cannot comprehend what is actually happening.


Despite Jongho's warning words, were they back at the fortress after darkness. The knight had not been mad at him, no, instead he had seen the fond smile on his face in the light from the lit torches. And Yeosang has never tried that before; if it had been his father, he would have lost his fingers. The whole way to his chamber had glee been falling into the same footsteps as his, and falling asleep graced to be painless.

But what seems unusual about this morning is the way Yeosang awakes from his sleep. He can feel a soft surface touch his lips. But as soon as he startles his eyes open, the touch retreats and it immediately becomes a longing. Yeosang can barely see the outline of the man glimpsing into his black, dilated pupils, but he knows from the fingers lightly trailing around his chin who it is. The one with a heart lapping around in his throat crawls back in the bed until his head hits the headboard, and Jongho has to let go of Yeosang's chin again.

"Why do you kiss me?!" Yeosang erupts, a strike of fear touching the air when the words fill the room, only becoming tighter when he is suddenly frightened that the door to his chamber stands open and his eyes scouts in that direction.

He feels how weight falls to the surface and he moves his tense sight to Jongho again, "Why do you think I do?"

Yeosang stares at him in the darkness; no window allows any light to swallow the knight's glamorous facial expressions, only a single lit candle is placed in the corner. The boy pulls at the taut air and forces it down into his lungs and he pushes his tongue against his teeth while contemplating. He tries to sort his many thoughts because he does not understand why the knight keeps making him feel like this.

Memento mori || Jongsang ✓जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें