11| Knightly

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"Sure!" Yunho enthusiastically exclaims when San has told the two tall men what his intentions are.

Yunho and Mingi are the ones who primarily work in the knights' stable, Yeosang is being told. They have known San ever since he came to Lectushire Fortress as a kid, and that is why they seem so close to each other. The tallest, Yunho, with his bright persona, is older by a couple of years and San tells him how he sees him as an older brother, despite his playful soul. San and Mingi are a year more than Yeosang, and the information has Yeosang wander through the ages of himself. Never has he imagined San to be more than a teen's age to his reasoning boyish looks in his eyes.

They are shown down the stable's mid-walk by Yunho who knows what they are seeking. Yeosang swallows and draws his eyes around at the majestic steeds they pass as the sound of San's laughter fills the somehow light air. At times thunder rumbles can be heard from the skies outside.

Suddenly a cheering voice pins his ears and Yeosang steps sideways as he watches San reaching forward to one of the stalls, "Hey my pretty girl!"

A gentle neigh answers him right before the head of a horse, peaks out and San buries his hand in the black forelock. The boy believes that this must be the mare San mentioned earlier and his confidence is only confirmed when San kisses the mare's muzzle dearly and looks around at Yeosang.

"Come and greet Calimorfis, my mare, and almighty destrier," he says and grabs Yeosang's arm when his feet are falling heavy to the ground.

His throat tightens as San leads his hand to the fur and lets his fingers spread into the softness. The eyes of the mare calmly glance into his and Yeosang feels the pressure of San's hand slowly disappear as he starts smoothing his own hand downwards the horse's head. Forth and back in a very slow manner. Yeosang has never had anything to do with horses, as his father never has wanted him to learn how to lead that kind of creature. Sure, he has touched one before, but that will only be a couple of times in his full life until now. So he cannot escape the feeling of fear that roots inside of him while he touches the destrier. Then he sees the existence nearing him from behind the horse and his eyes soften immediately.

"And this is Calimorfis' young daughter, a foal if I must use the rightful term for that. She is still without a name."

Yeosang is astonished by the young horse and does not know whether he shall reach out and let her smell his hand, or stay in place. But her tiny muzzle is quicker than his decisions and she curiously studies the smells that attach to his palm. The foal looks awfully much like her mother as the exact same eyes are staring up at him. Yeosang withdraws his arm and steps back, the movement causing San to grin and caresses the young mare.

"Come on San, I am sure that you will come back here later," Yunho says and grabs both San and Mingi, who now both pets the horses.

A playful whine escapes the blonde knight's mouth but Mingi just giggles at the statement and follows the older. They stop at the very end of the stable. Barely any light comes in from the windows, but Yunho seems like he has found what they are seeking.

"What do you think?"

The boy turns his head at the stable worker, who has his eyes drawn at him. He sees the smile pulling at his shaped lips but does not understand what is meant until he hears the flapping of something. Vigilant he turns his head the rest way around until another one is staring right into his soul. Yeosang holds his breath while he detects the black horse standing on the other side of its stall, nostrils enlarge and become smaller. Nervously his hands grip at his sleeves and a hand pushes him closer despite his stupor.

"Yunho are you sure that-"

"Yes I am, San. Do not worry, I think they will play well together," a voice interrupts from behind the boy, but he is already in the midst of having the horse stepping closer to him.

Memento mori || Jongsang ✓Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora