ابدأ من البداية

Gundham : ....Kehehe,she appears to have taken a liking to you.

Ibuki : Welcome to the world of girl love! Its slippery when wet!

The air's.....suddenly..not so.. Tense anymore. Well, I guess its better than being down forever. If I was all by myself...I probably wouldn't have been able to put my feelings aside and move on like this..i guess... I have these guys to thank...

Mikan : um....anyway...what happened to F/N , Fuyuhiko and Nagito? It seems they are.....not here...

Peko : I saw Fuyuhiko earlier near the hotel. I invited him to breakfast, but he declined.

Hajime : Well, that's just Fuyuhiko being Fuyuhiko but...

Akane : Who cares about Nagito!?

Gundham : He is cursed....A child who summons misfortune, so to speak. But where is the Dark Queen..?

Nekomaru : J-just letting you know.... I don't know anything! W-Without hesitation, I-I don't know anything about Nagito at all!

Kazuichi : He's right,forget him! Lets just forget about that creep already and focus on F/N!

F/N : Sorry I'm late but what's going on....?

Ibuki : F/N!!!!

Ibuki lunged at F/N nearly knocking them both down.

Well I don't need to worry about her anymore.

F/N : H-Hello to you too, Ibuki.

F/N stood straight and looked at us confused.

F/N : And can I ask where is Na-

Monokuma : Good morning,Darling! And what's up? Did someone get kidnapped?

Nekomaru : Y-You came just at the right time!

Monokuma : Hmm-? At the right time?

Nekomaru : N-No it's nothing...

Monokuma : I don't really get it, must've yearned for me. Your outlook on life has changed due to my cuteness,so your body can't stand to live without me, huh? "I-I can't help myself,you know.......M-My body....reacts to Monokuma...on it's own..."

F/N : The only reaction I have for you is disgust and hatred. Now just hurry up and tell us why you are here.

Monokuma : Aww man...But I thought you loved me? Oh well, you'll eventually learn! To be searching too. My valued servant has disappeared.

Hajime : Servant...?

Monokuma : You know,My monobeasts.....One of them just disappeared....

Huh? One of the monobeasts disappeared...?

Monokuma : Maybe I cut back the cost of their food too much? Perhaps they're boycotting me?

Gundham : "But that guys is the weakest of the league of four....How shameful for a Monobeast to lose to a mere human."....Thats what you wanted to say, right?

Monokuma : Hm?

Gundham : Though this is merely the prelude, the climax will occur soon after...Now then, let me hear you scream! I shall make such sweet music for you!

Monokuma : Hmhmhmhm!?

Mahiru : Hey should stop playing with that stuffed animal.

F/N : More like care bear reject.

Monokuma : I'm still being called a stuffed animal....and I'm way better than those bears... Oh looks like you guys don't know anything about my Monobeast either... Then it's a waste of time for me to worry about it. I don't wanna go bald from worrying too much. A wise catbot once said "Our eyes are on the front so we can keep moving forward!"

As Monokuma said those familiar sounding words to us, once again....He disappeared.

Peko : Hey, what do you think he meant just now? He said something about a Monobeast missing...

Chiaki : Hm...The only possibility I can think of is..

Monomi : Um...were you in the middle of something? If so, i can just come back later....

F/N : Her...?

Akane : Then leave.

Monomi : Kyaah! Atleast ask for me to leave kindly!

Chiaki : Ah, before you leave I want to ask you something. Did you have anything to do with the disappearing Monobeast?

Monomi : Ah yes! That's right! Tadaaaa! I'm the one who defeated that Monobeast!

Hajime : Y-You did!?

Kazuichi : Defeating a Monster like that...How the hell did someone like you pull that off?

Monomi : I'll talk about that more in detail in a different mode. Anyway, I've released the bridge gate for you all!

F/N : So,we can go to the new Island across the bridge...?


Monomi : Ahem! That's totally right!Now that you all can go to more areas,let's all get along and live a fun life together for sure this time!

F/N : Yeah right.

Monomi : Love! Love!

Mikan : L-Living together on this island isn't what's important...W-We need to find a way to escape..

Mahiru : Of course! Escaping from this island is our main goal!

Monomi : ... Huh?

Ibuki : Nobody wants to live in a swash buckling, Hollywood type, action film!

Mikan : I want to live a life where i can be more average....a life where nothing happens.....Thats better for me...

Kazuichi : All right! If you find anything that can be salvaged for boat parts, let me know immediately!

Monomi : I-It seems that....everyone's united on a path thats different from what I had planned.

Gundham : Fuhahaha! Then let's disperse! The time has come to release the cursed seal!

Akane : All right! Let's find a way to leave this island!

F/N : ....

Monomi : That is....impossible....

Hajime : Hm?

Monomi : Leaving the island is no longer possible....

Hajime : ... No longer possible? Hey...What does that...? Ah...!

Kazuichi : Hey Hajime....Just leave that thing alone already! after all....she's the same as Monokuma. Its better if you don't get that close to her.

Hajime : Y-You're right...

It seems everyone's attention has shifted toward exploring the new island. Expecting to find something that'll help us escape this situation, everyone filed out of the restaurant.
To be continued.

 A BRINK OF HOPEحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن