Let The Angels Commit (a)

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Everly's eyes light up and her lips curve in a seductive smile.

Well then... grab a blanket, I know exactly where we should go. Hayden commented.

Be honest, have you been planning this? Everly asked while following Hayden heading to the rooftop.

Maybe. You know me when I do something, I do it right. Hayden replied teasingly. And I really want tonight to be perfect. I want this to be perfect. She added.

If you are here, then it will be. Everly remarked.

Something glimmers in Hayden's eyes, and she leans forward. Everly's eyes flutter shut as Hayden's soft lips gently press against hers.

The kiss is surprisingly tender, Hayden's mouth sweet and tender on yours. It leaves you both moved and wanting more as you pull apart.


Shh... no more talking.

Hayden kisses you again, still achingly tender but with a little more urgency.

Pulling Hayden closer to you, you revel in the feel of her curves cradled against you, the soft sound of contentment in her throat as you kiss her.

Mmm... Hayden moaned.

Together, you slowly sink on the blanket, arms still wrapped around each other, hips moving together in quiet affection.

Within a movement, Hayden pulls away, moving up to straddle your lap, bending to wrap her arms around your neck as she kisses you.

Mmm... Monica...

Okay, I'll allow a little more talking if you keep saying my name like that. Hayden teased.

As you float away in a dreamlike bliss, Hayden starts rolling her hips, sending a shockwave of intimate pleasure where your bodies meet.

Mmm... stop teasing, Monica... please...

Hayden moves again, the delicious friction of her body against yours setting your desire on fire.

I want to feel you, let me get you out of these clothes. Hayden whispered.

Yes... please do it... Everly mumbled.

Your words come out a breathless plea, and they seem to hit something deep in her, as she lunges forward to kiss you again, eager and hot.

As captivating as her lips are, they don't distract you from the exquisite feeling of her hands on your body, fingers finding shivers of bare skin as she works to undress you.

Mmm... that tickles. Everly whispered.

You gasp as warm, skilled hands caress each new inch of exposed flesh, slipping over your thighs... down the flat plane of your stomach...

That's more like it. Hayden commented.

With a quick tug, Hayden pulls away from the last piece of clothing.

Cooing with enthusiasm, Hayden tubs her hands up your bareback, up to trace along with your shoulder blades, your collarbone, and down the sensitive skin of your chest.

Ohh... Monica, that feels so good. Everly moaned.

You throw your head back and sigh with pleasure as her fingers trail over the curves of your breast, the bare skin just above the lace of your bra.

Gentle kisses soon become hot licks, eager little nips, and you moan and bury your hands in Hayden's hair. Nodding eagerly, you lift off the ground long enough for Hayden to tug your underwear free.

A Mutually-Assured AttachmentOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant