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I immediately answered Caleb's call on the first ring. Now, talk and explain. I said without giving him a chance to say anything.

He sighed. Where are you? He asked.

Driving, leaving the office. Going straight home. I replied. Now, talk. I told him again.

Eh? Don't use your phone while driving, you know it's dangerous.

Quit using delaying tactics on me Caleb, you know it is not going to work. Just talk, I am listening.

Okay, why do I keep explaining myself to everyone? He asked himself.

When I called you earlier today, you were on the loudspeaker. Hayden is begging me to ask you to show up at her last concert. Just this one. If you can see how hopeful she was that you will say yes, but you said you were busy. It is like she was about to cry when you said that.

Why? Does it make any difference if I watch her concert? As if she could see me, which we know that's not gonna happen.

For her, it is huge knowing that you are there. That woman has been crushing on you from the first time she heard your compositions.

A what?

Do you know what she told me that day? Caleb continues and ignores me. She told me that you are her soulmate. Yes, you heard me right, soulmate! Hayden asked me nonstop about you from day one until now. The looked in her face when you suddenly outburst that we are siblings, I can still imagine her reactions. He laughed. But do not worry, I did not give her any information about you. My life is spared. He added.

Peyton, are you still there?

Yes, yes. Just continue, clearing my throat.

She probably searching for you now on the web. Caleb chuckled.

As if she will find interesting things about me or pictures of me. I replied.

Can I tell you something? But promise me, you will not get mad at me? He asked.

What is it?

Promise me first? I can tell that he is pouting.

Okay, okay! I promise. Why are you always such a baby? I complained.

I gave her your number. He blurted.

You what?

Hey, you promise.

You are giving me so much headache compared to my meetings. I commented. Why did you do that?

It is the only thing I can think of to stop her nonstop questions about you. I know you keep things private and all, I don't want to intrude on telling her about you. I thought, why not Hayden ask you herself about the things she wanted to know. Genius right? He chuckled.

Which is?

I don't know. She mentioned that she wanted to know everything about you. She was like I wanted to know her better. Like I said, my best friend is crushing over you like her life goal is to know you and for you to notice her.

I'm home.

Peyton, about the concert? He asked.

Okay, I will watch. But in one condition. I stated.

Yes!!! He shouted. Whatever your condition is, I agreed. See you tomorrow Peyton, love you! He finished and ended the call.


Caleb picked Everly from the office. From there, Caleb drives on their way to Madison Square Garden.

Why are we two hours early? Everly complained.

I need to check everything is perfect before the concert. Though we checked it last night, I just want to make sure that all is set.

What is it to do with me? You know I can finish a lot of work in two hours.

Ssshhhh, stop complaining. Besides, as promised, she will not see you in flesh. No one could see you even the paparazzi. He winked.

Where do you want me to put you? In front? VIP? Or backstage?

I prefer backstage so I can easily sneak off.

Why do you want to sneak off?

I have a dinner meeting with stockholders, I need to be there. There is a 100% chance that I can't finish the concert.

But Peyton-

At least I watch, right?

Fine, but you owe me for not watching the whole performance.

Yeah, yeah, whatever baby bro, rolling my eyes at him.


The time had finally come that I would get to see and hear Hayden in a live concert. I've never been to a concert. Being there in a moment like that can feel dream-like. A warm, calming feeling envelops my body. The hundreds if not thousands of people sing along with one of the biggest artists to her biggest hit.

Looking around during the show noticed people dancing, people holding their loved ones, people smiling so big it made me smile. People knew every word and enjoyed themselves.

There is a moment where I swear a song is being performed just for me. I mean, most of the moments. I subconsciously close my eyes because I felt the song so deeply. Since I first heard that song I felt such a connection to it and hearing it in person made me feel something I can't describe. It's a feeling I will carry with me for the rest of my life.

Hayden is breathtaking. Her performance is mind-blowing, electrifying, and amazing. Her voice is out of this world. She sings with all her heart and emotions. She is a skilled dancer too and good at playing an instrument. Talented indeed.

It was the 7th song when I told Caleb that I need to leave. I use his car since I did not bring my own.

While driving my way to the meeting, I can still remember what Hayden said before the show.

This concert is dedicated to everyone who supports me endlessly, especially to you. I know you are here, somewhere, watching. Knowing that you are here makes a huge difference. Words are not enough to express how grateful I am to you. Thank you so much, you put a smile on my heart. I remember seeing her slightly pouting before she started singing. Cute.

Fans went crazy hearing those words from her. I was shocked myself hearing it from her at a live concert. Press will love that. Tomorrow it will be all over the news. I shook my head looking at Caleb giving me a knowing smile.

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