Chapter 1- young partners in crime

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A/N: So, Ive decided to set this story up in a weird way I guess??? Most chapters will have a sort of flashback to when Loki and (Y/N) were younger on Asgard. Those parts will be in italics. I though that this would be a more interesting way to give background, rather than having it explained in dialogue. Anywho, enjoy!

(Physical age: around 6)

Giggles filled the halls as the two energetic and mischievous young asgardian children darted swiftly through the palace to evade a slightly older Thor, booming curses and threats to his little brother and the girl. The raven haired prince and his young friend had just played a prank on Thor, using some new magic that Frigga had taught the two young children, who were only physically around 6. She had started to teach the two basic illusions, but the two were rather quick learners; and, as Frigga always told them, practice makes perfect. So, they had combined their illusion magic to play a prank on Thor. But, having just started to learn the tricks, it didn't last for long enough to conceal themselves and keep up their tricks.
"Run, (Y/N)! That way! Turn, stupid!" A young Loki giggled out gleefully and directed her by grabbing hold of her hand and tugging her along, the two turning a corner and running straight into Frigga. Thor ran up behind them soon, absolutely fuming and embarrassed. And when Frigga saw why, she cracked the smallest smile as the two younger kids giggled and hid behind her.
The children, it seemed, had cast an illusion so that the palace gardens pond looked like normal ground to Thor. And the young prince had fallen in, in front of all of his friends.
"Loki, (Y/N), I'll have your heads over this!" The older boy fumed, sopping wet and dripping on the pristine palace floors as he balled his fists up at his sides.
"Thor, settle down. No one will be having any heads... Loki, (Y/N)... care to explain?" Frigga asked the two sternly, though clearly amused as she turned to address the two younger children she cared for so dearly.
The two shook their heads, the giggling having stopped although both had very sly, nearly identical smirks as they stood hand in hand. Although they acted bold, they were scared of Thor when he got angry. He was a long bigger than the two of them, and a hell of a lot stronger. But at a stern look from Frigga, Loki caved and decided to explain.
"You always tell (Y/N) and I that practice makes perfect, mother. And you also tell Thor and I that we need to take interest in one another and our hobbies and talents. So (Y/N) and I decided to solve both problems at once." Loki reasoned with a (not so) innocent smile, as (Y/N) decided to add:
"We cast an illusion on the pond so it looked like part of the path to the gardens. And we tried to hide ourselves with an illusion but it was too hard... but practice makes perfect, so maybe we'll have to try it again!" The young girl said slyly and smiled innocently over at Thor, Frigga exhaling in amusement as much as she wanted to keep a scolding demeanor as to not encourage their behavior.
Thor stormed off at that, knowing that his mother would likely lightly scold the two.
"Oh, children... how are you always managing to get into trouble?" She asked in amusement and straightened out Lokis hair a bit and kissed his head, then tucked some of (Y/N)'s behind her ear and kissed her head as well.
(Y/N) boldly grinned and squeezed Loki's hand, proudly and affectionately standing hand-in-hand with the young prince.
"Because Loki and I are partners in crime, Allmother!" (Y/N) grinned proudly.


"Finally. I can collapse. Bed sweet bed!" I groaned out to myself in relief as I collapsed onto my bed, absolutely exhausted after today's grueling mission.
(Y/N) cap, Bucky, and Nat had all went on what was supposed to be a quick, easy infiltration mission at a small HYDRA base. They were supposed to take the base and any operatives down, to continue in the take down of HYDRA. From what Bucky had remembered about the base, it had been small, with very few HYDRA soldiers to defend and protect. But that intel had been... incredibly off. The 4 of them had arrived to a small base at the side of a cliff, few operatives outside; which Bucky quickly took out with some quick shots from afar. But as soon as they stepped inside, all hell had broken loose. The base clearly had been made to appear small, as it now was obviously built partially under the cliff as well. And what Bucky said about there being minimal soldiers?
Well. Let's just say... it was absolute bullshit. Poor guy must have just seen the base from the outside before. Or, his memories were still fuzzy after HYDRA had scrambled his brain like eggs. Nat and Steve are going to be so pissed at him over it after all of this- Anyways...
The fight ended up a long and hard one, especially since we were an unprepared group of four, but I paid no mine to that fact; it gave me a chance to figure out some new magic I'd recently figured out. I'd learned a ton of magic studying under Frigga- and she was an absolutely brilliant teacher indeed for all the years I had learned with her- but I'd taught myself a few new things without the aid of anybody from Asgard. Suck that, Odin.
Recently, I had learned- not how to teleport myself which I had learned back on Asgard- but how to tap someone and teleport them while keeping myself within the space I was already occupying.
I had figured out how to do that already- but today it seemed to prove rather handy when I could simply tap a HYDRA soldier and send them up in the air, falling to the ground. It was a quick and easy way to take them out. Gruesome? Yes. But it was a big help today.
It was also rather humorous, I must admit, when I teleported the very last soldier and he fell right in front of Steve. Was Cap disappointed in my methods? Oh, most definitely. But was his horrified face when the man hit the ground in front of him worth it? Oh, hell yes it was.
Getting to use my new magic and some other new tricks I had up my sleeve had been a blast even with the mission being much more difficult than we originally thought. And it was oh, so worth it until we got back on the quinjet and I began to feel how much I'd actually drained myself using that much power up. And, Steve lecturing me on how I'd gotten things done today was honestly the most exhausting part.

So by the time I'd hit my bed and my head hit my pillow, I was oh, so ready to sleep. It didn't take me long to drift off either. But of course, not even an hour later, I was awoken from my much needed slumber by thunder and lightening. I grumbled, rolling around so I was facing away from my window. But after a moment, the sky lit up bright for a moment before fading.
"The bifrost?" I mumbled tiredly, sitting up and stretching out my tired limbs.
Thor didn't usually come to earth unless there was a problem, or unless he was much needed here. So his return had piqued my interest for sure. I got up and groggily threw on some clothes with the help of my magic, which is was a good choice as FRIDAY soon had alerted me that tony needed us all in the meeting room immediately. She also warned me that tony sounded pissed. Damnitt.
"Thor, what did you do?" I grumbled under my breath and combed my hair back with my fingers roughly before pulling on a sweater and slipping on some shoes. After, I decided against the tedious act of walking all the way up to the meeting room and simply teleported. This act earned a surprised noise from Steve, which earned a shit-eating grin from me.
"(Y/N), really, you have to stop doing that. You're in a building full of assassins, soldiers, super people, and all sorts... someone is going to get you one day when you appear in front of them. Really. Please stop." Steve explained, exasperated at me. He was my favorite to startle and mess with; so, I ignored his scolding and simply smiled innocently up at him.
Patting Steve on the shoulder, I smiled up at him and said a teasingly sweet: "Sleep well, Captain?"
He couldn't help but give the faintest smile, knowing I was still exhausted as well, and rolled his eyes as he pointed for me to sit; which I readily did, as I was honestly still exhausted. Sure, I was Asgardian and didn't need as much sleep as humans, but using up my magic was absolutely exhausting. That was the only time I ever truly got exhausted.

I turned towards the table to sit, and my eyes landed not on Thor- who I had grown used to seeing and hiding the truth from, as he wasn't near as perceptive as most- but Loki. My eyes widened in surprise and my teasing demeanor quickly dropped, Loki in turn smirking my way. Wether he knew who I was or not, I didn't know. Knowing Loki, he simply enjoyed my look of surprise. I didn't figure he'd recognize me. I'd changed my looks a lot, went by a new name... as far as everybody here knew, I had gotten my powers in a similar way to Wanda.
I know it's probably foolish, but I didn't want Thor to know who I was; who knew what devilish lies the Allfather had told them to keep his secrets from getting uncovered, he'd been lying as to the reason I had been banished I'm sure.

I quickly regained my composure and cleared my throat, nodding curtly over at Thor and avoiding eye contact with Loki completely. As I did so, I made sure to block off access to my mind so no one could hear my thoughts. I instantly saw Loki furrow his brows in frustration and look at me curiously out of the corner of my eye; he clearly knew that I was familiar and couldn't quite seem to place it. But I needed to be careful to not use my magic around Loki; that would be familiar to him, I was sure. He'd recognize me then, surely. Plus, if he caught a thought or two of mine... I'd just rather be safe than sorry. And I could tell that Loki was suspicious.

"Thor. What brings you two here? I thought your brother was supposed to be on Asgard for his punishment?" I asked politely which caused Loki to grimace my way, just as tony- who clearly already knew what was going on seeing as he was already absolutely livid- stormed back into the room to join us, everyone else already having been seated. Most were glaring at Loki, or simply looking alarmed or confused as to why the Raven prince was here. But all around, the atmosphere was tense.
With a classic warm, all around Thor smile, the blond asgardian prince looked around at us all, slapping a hand onto Loki's shoulder at which the raven prince grimaced in distaste and tensed up uneasily yet allowed it.
"Father has agreed to terminate Loki's sentence, so long as he helps the avengers! My little brother will be joining us as one of Earths mightiest heroes! He will be a valuable ally, I assure you!" Thor boomed proudly, and there was a deafening silence before all hell broke loose.
Many yelled out in protest, Tony heading that whole-heartedly. And I internally thanked whatever Gods might be listening that Bird Brain and his arrows were back home with his wife and kids, or Loki would likely have an arrow through his eye socket.
Thor's proud looker quickly turned to a confused one, as he took a protective stance in front of his little brother. It was sweet, really, that he still felt protective over him after all the terrible things he'd done.
"Friends, all is well! Loki is here to help! (Y/N) and Wanda have similar magic, they can help keep him on track! And I have cuffs from Asgard that halt his magic!" Thor said defensively, the roars from the team nearly drowning out even Thor's booming voice.

Oh, Thor. What have you done?

W/C: 2,155

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