Part 1

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"He's coming back."

"Who is?"


Albedos eyes widened. "What?!" He shouted. 

"He's coming back to visit his childhood home. Not to see you Albedo, you can relax." His mother said with a calm voice.

"What do you mean 'be calm'? How am I suppose to be fucking calm when he's coming back?!" Albedo shouted again.

"Language Albedo! You shouldn't be using that kind of tone towards your mother." Albedos mother took a sip of her tea.

"Also," His mother placed the tea down next to her. "I don't understand why you're so mad about him coming back. I want you two to be friends again".

"Don't you remember? I gave him all my money and he just..ran away with it. Also he was my boyfriend, not my friend." Albedo crossed his arms and looked out the opened shoji.

"You've earned it all back, you're richer then ever now." His mother replied. "He still shouldn't even be able to show his face here ever again." Albedo said.

"Why are you even telling me this?" Albedo asked, looking back at his mother. "Because.." his mother tried not to stutter, "I might've invited him to dinner tonight.", Albedos eyes widened, "WHAT?!" He shouted, "YOU SAID HE WASN'T HERE TO SEE ME!" Albedo bawled, "Yes I did say that..but I wanted to see if you two could work it out and be friends. He's become a pretty rich man after all. A lot of money is going to be involved if we get on his good side." Albedos mother got up gracefully from sitting tatami.
(Albedos mother didn't understand the whole 'he was my boyfriend not my friend' situation.)

"You're so stupid." Albedo muttered. "What did you say to me?" Albedos mother looked at Albedo with eyes that dared him to repeat what he just said, Albedos eyes replied with the same daring look. "I said you're stupid." Albedo looked up at his mother.

His mother raised a hand and slapped Albedo, "You rude child." His mother then walked away. Albedo stood there.

Albedo never wanted to see Kaeya after what he did to him. Besides basically stealing his money, he did cheat on him. With multiple woman. Albedo didn't even know if Kaeya liked men or if he just wanted Albedos money.

Either way he was a dick.

Albedo knew that once his mother decided to something she wasn't going to change her mind. Not even if her own son begged her.

(Sunset type time)

"Albedo, are you ready? You have to look presentable for Kaeya." His mother said while coming in his room.

"I'm ready." Albedo said, he was wearing a dark blue hakama with a matching haori and kimono (picture is going to be shown at the end). "You look.." Albedos mother cringed a bit, "You're fine." His mother then walked away.

Albedo sighed and followed her to the dining room they were going to meet Kaeya at.

Kaeya wasn't there yet. Albedos mother sat at the main chair and Albedo sat next to her on the right chair.
Kaeya was obviously going to sit at the other main chair at the end. Food started coming, the waiters were trying to be quick so that Kaeya wouldn't come in without being greeted by delicious food on the table.

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