Getting Weird

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Herb sighed, standing up and sitting on his couch. A sudden knock was at the door, a desperate one. Herb cookie opened the door to see a crow with a note, behind the crow was a blood red sky, his friends being attacked and other ungodly things. The crow handed him a note, it saying: this isn't a dream but nor is it reality. Herb cookie jolted up, panting as it was a dream. Herb cookie stepped outside, sitting down in the grass as the wind blew in his hair. "this is refreshing but i'm still worried" The cookie thought to himself, looking at the sky. Herb cookie glanced over to see a few streaks of red inside the clouds. "m-maybe a storm..." Herb thought to himself, trying to act like everything was okay and dandy. Pancake came over, hugging Herb as Fig trotted over. "what?" Herb questioned. "tha' fores' ain't safe no mo'" Fig marked, pointing to the forest trees. "whats wrong with them?" Herb asked, comforting Pancake. "dunno but what ever's in tha forest, Tai't safe" Fig walked off. "This is getting weird...." Herb mumbled. Pancake whimpered as Herb checked his hand. A massive bite was in it, unlike vampire or werewolf's bites, not like they would bite a child in the first place. "what happened to you!?" Herb said, very concerned as he should be. "I-I was in the forest a-a-and something bit me really hard....F-fig saved me but i couldn't get the full picture of what it was" Pancake cried, holding onto Herb like what he usually does to his acorn jellies. Herb looked at the forest then at his garden before standing up. "Go find your friend and let him comfort you, i need to speak to a few people..." Herb stormed off, mad but he didn't know why. Herb saw sparkling outside his juice bar and being comforted by Vampire. "Uhm, Sparkling?" Herb questioned, approaching the duo. "Oh, hey Herb!" Vampire smiled but the situation was a very...smiley situation. "Why is he crying? His pet die?" Herb sat next to Sparkling and Vampire. "His Juice bar went to rot the other day" Vampire explained. "His bar just started getting moldy and before he knew it, it was mushy and he has been crying ever since". Herb looked at the sobbing Sparkling cookie, sitting on the ground with his knees up to his chest. Herb sat down next to Sparkling, smiling. "It'll be okay!" Herb smiled as Sparkling looked at him with a face of somewhat belief. "I'll help you repair your bar in no time!". Sparkling hugged Herb, crying as Herb patted his back in comfort. "its only 2 days" Vampire said, breaking the soft mood. "until what?" Herb looked at Vampire as Sparkling let go. "Until doomsday, haven't you heard let alone see?". Herb shook his head "I don't understand what you are saying". Vampire took a sip of wine before looking at Herb. "this'll be a long story so sit tight". Herb sat down, crisscross as Vampire did the same.

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