Rising Terror

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Herb cookie was in his garden, watering and watching his flowers as he heard pancake in the distance. "Herb! Herb!" Pancake yelled, running up to the fellow. "yes, pancake?" Herb said, calmly as he crouched down to Pancakes level. "I got you a present! Here! here!" Pancake held up a black box, tied with gold ribbon. "you shouldn't have" Herb smiled, taking the present as the small one waddled off. Herb opened the box to find a shiny knife with a note. The note read "use this one day or else. we know you don't like fighting but this is for your own good, Herb". Herb cookie set the stuff down, tapping his foot. "Again with these prank gifts...such a nice child" Herb went back to gardening but before he knew it, the sun began to set behind the trees. Herb cookie closed his shop, walking home as he slipped his hands into his pockets. Herb hummed before tripping on a stone, bleeding a bit from the ankle. "ow what?" Herb stood up, looking behind himself to see a strange colored sugar rock. It wasn't its normal sugar white color but a black dark color with red spots. Herb looked at the rock, knocking it before limping away. Herb walked into his house, closing the door as he slid down his door. Herb stands up, getting ready for bed. Herb climbed into his bed, covering himself with the covers. "what if what the note said...was real...?"

Herb woke up, yawning as he stretched. Herb walked out, yawning before going to work. Herb opened his shop to find that all his flowers were dying. Herb screamed, trying to save his flowers but it was too late. His flowers wilted away sadly. Herb fell to his knees, crying. A wondering strawberry cookie passed the very very sad Herb. Strawberry cookie gulped, walking over. "are you alright?" Strawberry cookie asked in a soft tone, kinda scared for the response. "M-my flowers are dead!" Herb cookie groaned out in sorrow, crying. "I-I don't know what happened! I gave them everything i could!". "I did hear something strange last night" Strawberry admitted. "i was in bed and i heard thousands of crows flying overhead. It was kind of scary when the sky turned red for a split second. I thought it was a dream but i looked down and your flowers looked different and Sparkling's bar began to look old" 

Herb looked at Strawberry, standing up and wiping off tears. "i'll manage but really, it probably was a dream" Strawberry looked down before leaving. Herb began burying his flowers, catching the attention of custard. Custard walked over, putting his hands on his hips. "What are you doing!?" Custard yelled, Herb looking up at him. Herb switched to sitting on his knees. "PRAISE YOUR KING" Custard demanded. "i'm busy, Custard" Herb said, visible he was crying. "you saw it too!?" Custard yelled. "huh?" Herb looked at Custard, tilting his head. "Last night! the sky went red! There were a lot of crows flying in the sky! Sparkling's bar looked so bad!". Herb stood up, turning around. "I guess you and strawberry had a connected drea-" Herb was cut off by a crying pancake running towards him. "Pancake?" Herb cookie petted Pancakes head. "Last night was so scary! there were crows and The sky was red A-" Herb pushed Pancake off. "i'm done with this nonsense" Herb mumbled to himself as he walked into his house, slamming the door

"What is wrong with everyone today....?"

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