She knew that these contradiction were not only based on the matter that happened at the employee meeting at the company, the greater problem were themselves. Before they met, they were two people from completely different worlds, their life, work, social circle, even values were very different. In the past she always thought that after two people interacted for a long time, they will slowly get used to each other. However, until yesterday did she only discover that the longer they interacted, it will only expose more and more contradictions between them.

Their marriage came too suddenly, to tell you the truth, from the beginning to the end she still didn’t come to understand this man’s true inner thoughts, he views on family, his views on love, his past, his present and his future. Besides what he was willing to tell her, the rest Du Lisa was completely clueless.

He always like a God from above, controlling everything around them, he never stopped to consider her ideas. This man doesn’t understand, a woman like her didn’t need her man to walk in front of her, she needed a man who was willing to stop and wait for her, walk besides her like a companion.

Perhaps in Jungkook’s eyes, she was not smart enough, some even may say she’s silly, however on the stage of love, a woman’s sensitivity is far greater than a man’s, their intuition may be too impulsive, however it is their true thoughts and feelings.

After one night of thinking, Du Lisa was determined, they all needed to be calm and think about the true value of their marriage. She’s not an intelligent woman, but regarding love, she is never one to wading in mud and water.

So she got up early the next morning and left a note before leaving, she considered for a long time before writing down the words: “I’m returning to my parents for a few days to cool down, when I have thought things through I shall return. Don’t come and find me. Lisa”

Du Lisa thought about the issue a lot, however she didn’t take into account that one person can never resolved the contradictions between two people, if they did not expression their ideas and thoughts, how will they solve their contradictions?

So, during her three-day stay in her parent’s home, in addition to turning herself into a scornful woman, she couldn’t come up with a solution to their crises.

Finally, even Du papa who didn’t like meddling in his child’s family matters found it unbearable.

“My wife, it’s not right for our daughter to continue like this.”

Du Tian Xiang who was busy watching a Hong Kong drama impatiently glared at her husband: “What’s wrong with it, I think it quite right!”

“No it’s not right, she been home for three days already, yet our son-in-law has not come for her, these two…… could a major problem have occurred?”

Du Tian Xiang fixed her glazes at the television screen, casually she asked a sentence: “What major problem could occurred?”

Du papa pondered for a moment and said: “For example, a third-party?”

“My husband, do you think you’re watching a TV drama, where in the world would there be so many mistresses?” Du Tian Xiang smiled.

Du papa: “My wife, you’ve met a good husband, it does not mean that your daughter will encounter a good husband, all right? You see our son-in-law, he has money, power and appearance, it’s very normal for him to veer off path.”

“That could also happen,” Du Tian Xiang nodded. “You didn’t have the money, power nor looks, naturally you couldn’t veer off path.”

“……” Du papa’s mouth twitched upon hearing this.

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