This unexpressed bitterness, it's like hanging in mid-air, it's really not great feeling. Therefore, Du Lisa didn't even eat a few mouthful of the dinner, and listlessly returned to her room.

Upon returning to her room, she has been anxious and distracted.

What are the President's intentions? In the morning he forced her to agree trying the condoms, now he won't speak talk to her, is this the calm before the storm? Going forward, it's likely to engage in a series of brutal reprisals...

Thinking of this, Du Lisa was scared.

The President's revengeful character is obvious, he hasn't taken revenge yet, it does not mean that he will not later. It is like compound interest on a shark-loan, the interest increases bigger and bigger until it finally crushes a person alive.

Oh, my God! She didn't want to suffer such an early unfortunate life of a beautiful girl!!!

Horror ideas are stimulated within her brain, Du Lisa finally made a bold decision, she wants the President to——confess to reduce the severity for resisting!

Facing the death penalty is better than frightening herself. Before the President have taken any actions, she would have died as a beauty, right?

After she made up her mind to come clean, Du Lisa.searched on Baidu [1] on the first step of apologizing.

[1] 百度 Baidu is like google a search engine.

Baidu God says there's four steps to apologizing:

Step one, admit your mistakes, such as: "I'm sorry, I was wrong."

Step two, experience against the harm caused, such as: "I'm not supposed to XXXX, doing so has made you XXXX"

Step three, commitment to future actions, such as: "I'll be XXXX"

Step four, it is critical to flattered the other person, such as: "A great man rarely stoops to pettiness or harbors grievance for past wrongs, please let me off this time!"

Finally, there is also a note that your apology attitude must be sincere, to make them think that your apology was from the heart, rather than cheating on their feelings.

Understand the four steps above, Du Lisa confidently out of her room, and arrived at the President's door.

The door was half close with light shinning through the cracks.

"Thump thump thump......" She gently knocked on the door.

There was no response from inside the room, just as she was getting ready to knock again, the door suddenly opened, then the President's slender figure was within her vision.

He was just wearing a shirt, his buttons were all unbutton, exposing his lean chest. His hand was holding the door frame, staring down at Du Lisa, the soft lighting contrasted his sharp eyes.

"What's the matter?" Jungkook coldly asked.

"I ... ... I......" Facing such scene, Du Lisa began to stutter again, she suppressed for a long time before weakly said, "I've ... came... here... to... apologize......"

After she said this, her head once again lowered, however she can obviously feel Jungkook's glaze on her.

It was a long time before Jungkook spoke: "Come in and speak."

Then, the door opened.

Du Lisa hesitated before stepping in.

This is her second visit to the President's room, it is considered malignancy, no matter what she will have the ability to adapt. But she was more uneasy and nervous than previously.

She kept repeating the Baidu apology steps in her head, what was the first step again? That's right! First is to admit your mistake!

"I......" Du Lisa looked up and was about to speak, but was interrupted by Jungkook.

"You sit for a while, I go to take a shower."

Then before Du Lisa could response, the President had already gone into the bathroom, leaving Du Lisa standing in the room bewildered.

There's no such steps on the Baidu link!

Precisely because of this, Du Lisa deliberate her steps and could only stand like a wood within the room, waiting for the President to come out of the shower.

This sort of waiting was like waiting before the execution to start, the more quieter it is the unbearable one felt. The intermittent sound of water coming from the bathroom made one's mind distraught.

When the President comes out, what should she say first? Should she apologized or explained the reason first? No way, not right! She should follow the steps, to admit error is most important!

"It's all my fault, I was ruthless, I have no righteousness, I'm vexatious......"

No, it seems a bit too sentimental, let's change!

"I was wrong! I have wronged society, I have wronged the people...... "

This seems a bit too serious.

"I was wrong, a thousand deaths will not atone for my crimes"

Wait wait! Isn't this adding oil to the fire?

When Du Lisa was worrying about exactly how she should confess her fault, the sound of water suddenly stop, then the bathroom door opened.

The President came out!

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