Ma aunty C: “You guys are all wrong, this type of car is in the billions!”

Dog: “warf warf warf”

Cat: “meow——”

With countless onlookers envious eyes, Du Lisa lowered her head and go out of the car.

Now she extremely regretted, why didn’t she wear a hat before? Right, and also a pair of sunglasses! If there was a mask, it would be better……

With such thoughts, Du Lisa  couldn’t help but steal a glance at the President. She saw him casually get out of the car, using his hands to shut the door, and then he casually straighten the suit on his body, and calmly said to Du Lisa  who almost invisibly hangs her head: “Let’s go, which level is your home?”

Not a Ferrari but the car is red LOL

At that moment, Du Lisa suddenly understood a truth: In the The President’s eyes, everything is vague and insubstantial.

When Du Lisa walked upstairs with Jungkook, they bump into Zhang aunty who lived a level above them, she was on her way downstairs while holding her granddaughter.

Upon seeing Du Lisa, Zhang aunty rushed up: “Lili, you finally came back!”

“What happened?” Du Lisa asked.

“Your aunties, they have been waiting for you for one day!”

“My aunties came?” Du Lisa suddenly had an ominous feeling.

“Not only is your aunties, also your uncles……”[1] 

[1] This sentence was explaining all her aunties and uncles from both her mom and dad side have come.

Zhang aunty reported an entire list of things, which made Du Lisa's heart sink, so much that she wanted to retreat and escape: “We…… should go back……”

But Jungkook stopped her: “We’re already here, you want to escape?”

“But……” Du Lisa’s mind instantly flashed images of them being surrounded by her aunties and uncles, it was too scary!

However, Jungkook didn’t wait for her speak, he has taken the first step up the stairs.

“Wait a minute!” Zhang aunty stopped them, and then placed her granddaughter before the President: “President, can you hold our Ni Ni?”

The President was speechless, the little girl had reached out her hands and milky said: “Tortoise uncle hug hug!”

Uncle tortoise? Du Lisa felt uncomfortable and embarrassed.

Zhang aunty busily smile and said: “Little kids are ignorant, don’t be offended……” And then she stared at her granddaughter, “What tortoise? It’s golden turtle!”[2]

[2] 金龟 (婿)  jīn guī: Rich husband; In ancient China’s Tang Dynasty, only certain high-ranking officials could carry the “golden turtle pouch” as a rank symbol, hence a “golden turtle husband” as the Chinese term literally translates, was used to refer to a husband with a very high social status. But today, it only means a rich husband.

The little girl was startled before she started to laugh and cheerfully extending her hands out: “Golden turtle uncle hug hug!”

Du Lisa: “……”

Du Lisa originally thought that the President will be angry, unexpectedly he only hesitated for a moment, before he actually reaching out to take Ni Ni off Zhang aunty’s hands.

Once the President carried her, the little girl was happy, she clapped and began to shout: “Golden turtle, golden turtle…… in the future Ni Ni also wants to fish for a golden turtle……”

Du Lisa was really dumbfounded: Zhang aunty, young children has to be educated!

After an arduous journey, Du Lisa finally made it upstairs with her “golden turtle.”

They didn’t even have the chance to ring the doorbell, when the door opened. Then, not surprisingly, a group of her aunties surrounded and trapped the President.

“President, I heard that this year the Jeon Enterprise stock will be very good, is it really true ah? Can I buy it?” Third Aunty asked first.

Jungkook nodded: “Yes, you be rest assured and buy them.”

“Great, very good, I need to buy a little more than!” Third Aunty was very contented and went off to call her husband.

Second Aunty didn’t idle either: “Jeon President, I heard the Jeon Enterprise just launched a cheap family insurance which is quite a good deal, is it true? I’m planning to buy one each for my family members!”

“Yes, you can directly contact our company’s manager, say that I recommended you.”

“Really? Thank you so much!” Second aunty was full of joy and went to buy her insurances.

“Grandson-in-law, your Jeon Enterprise real estate just release new property, can there a slight discount in the prices ah?” Fourth great-uncle was who ready to buy a house for his son came up and asked.

“No problem, the price can be negotiated, I’ll let my assistant contact you directly.”

“That’s great!” Fourth great-uncle stroked his beard and joyfully delivered the great news to his son.

Once Fourth great-uncle left, third sister-in-law scrape up: “Jeon President, that insurance you just mentioned……”


So, according Du Lisa’s rough statistics, that afternoon, the President has sold two houses, a dozen copies of insurance, some stocks, even her stingy Second uncle applied for an Jeon Enterprise’s commercial bank credit card for his entire family!

On the side Du Lisa’s eyes were full of admiration for the President’s business mind, he even can make so many business transactions using the back door, very good! Very strong!

But the thing that made Du Lisa the most surprised was that she didn’t expect the Jeon Enterprise to developed further in other fields, no wonder before downstairs Ni Ni wanted the “golden turtle” President to carry her. What kind of “golden turtle” is the President? He is simply the “Real South Africa Turtle”!

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