I Don't Flirt

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For the next month, Scott and Grant developed a friendship of sorts. Sarah noticed that Chloe became uncharacteristically awkward. There were moments where she tried to flirt with Scott and moments where she was withdrawn but only Sarah paid attention.

"What's up with you?" Sarah whispered to Chloe while they were on a break from lessons. She expected Chloe's usual response which was to act indifferent or to growl but instead got quite the surprise.

"Oh, I am just in complete agony over Scott. He's so handsome, but completely clueless as to my interest. Have I not been flirting correctly? What should I do?"

Sarah became extremely embarrassed, "how should I know? I don't flirt with anyone. It seems like you have had some well-timed bouts of flirting. But maybe he's just waiting for his mate. Why don't you just ask him to go for a run and find out more?"

Chloe regarded her for a moment, "you're right, I'll try that. Maybe I can help direct the conversation that way. Oh, and by the way, you flirt all the time with Grant."

Sarah was shocked, "I don't think I do. We are just friends. He is going to be Alpha and must find his fated mate to give the pack an Alpha heir. How do I flirt with him?" she asked with rapidly rising panic.

At this very moment, Sarah's attention was pulled to the side as she watched Grant and Scott deep in conversation. Sensing her gaze, Grant looked over at her and smiled. She smiled back and then averted her gaze back to Chloe who held an expression that said and you were saying?

"Well, I'm glad you know the reasons you shouldn't cross the friendship line. Good luck with resisting that." Chloe advised before walking back to the schoolhouse leaving Sarah behind. Scott and Grant began walking in as well, but Grant turned towards Sarah. He jogged over to her.

"Are you ready to go in?"

She nodded and fell into step beside him.

The afternoon passed quickly as the pack meeting of the month was scheduled to occur with tonight's full moon.

With everyone gathered in the clearing, Alpha Edward began to speak with Grant at his side.

"Good evening, I hope you have enjoyed your dinner. I am pleased to report our finances have never been better, and we have had no breeches to border security. With that said we are getting reports from neighboring territories of females being taken by rogues. Please be vigilant when leaving the territory to go to town, and we will be increasing patrol until this threat is further investigated. We have completed a new cabin this month with the help of Richard West which will become occupied by our newest mated couple John and Desiree. Lastly, myself and your Luna will be traveling to Obsidian Pack in a few months and will leave you in the care of our Beta and your future Alpha. Does anyone have any other announcements?"

With all other pack meetings, few announcements were made and most of the pack quietly began to disperse.

"I have something to share," Donna announced with a smile. "Ian and I are going to have a pup! Finally!"

With this news most of the pack regathered to give their excited congratulations. "We owe everything to Sarah and her magic baby-making cookies!" The crowd hushed and turned to an open-mouthed Sarah.

"Surely it wasn't just my cookies, I'll bet it was also that you were preparing the nursery with the faith that the moon goddess would bless you with a child." Sarah explained not wanting the attention.

Nina just shook her head in disagreement, "Well it was either your cookies or your belly hug of love. For that I am forever grateful for you."

Alpha Edward congratulated Ian while Grant pushed his way over to her. "I didn't know you were a magic baker?" he said with a smirk.

Sarah simply blushed, "it was just a coincidence. I, uh, need to be joining my parents to head home. I'll see you tomorrow, ok?"

But it wasn't just a coincidence. From that moment on, hopeful she-wolves would ask to buy some of Sarah's cookies and receive her hand on their belly and her weekends were soon filled with orders. Every customer she served ended up pregnant within the month. Her father began to build her a small bakery while the Alpha's were away on their trip.

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