Episode 1: The Frozen Forest

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First episode of Season 2!!!

Welcome, if you're new here, and hello if you aren't!

I just wanted to make a shoutout to my friend, @bendy_ruler. They're my friend and they make MCYT and DSMP content so if you're interested in that kind of stuff go check them out!

I'm excited to keep this fanfiction going, also a big thanks to @Allydia_lovez123 for the idea of this title for this fanfic.

Onto Episode 1.



A frozen river had cracks in the ice, the blue tint of it standing out next to the white snow.

A lone flower stood from a log around frozen tree trunks, icicles below it. A drop of water landed on one of its pedals, making a soft plunking noise.

This peace was disrupted as a Horde bot blasting through the beautiful scene, loudly stomping away on its metal legs. Its friends followed behind it, also blasting at the poor forest.

There were large melted puddles of water around the trees, making it appear more like a swamp than a forest. The bots seemed unaffected by the environment, stomping on with their blasters. One of the bots looked down and saw a small sprout, lifting one of its legs to step on it.

The bots stopped for a moment, vines wrapping around all of them and holding them in place tightly.

"Hey, robot face, watch where you step!" Perfuma shouted angrily, whipping all of the robots around with her vines. She grunted from the effort and threw them away, over the sad treetops.


Bow fired his arrows with a scowl, looking up and seeing the bots that Perfuma had thrown, his eyes widening.

"Incoming!" he shouted, jumping out of the way.

The bots hit the ground, one of them rolling away quickly.


Frosta punched away broken bot with her ice fist, gasping and looking at the bot that was rolling towards her, no time for her to react.

She brought her arms up to cover her face but a wave of water stopped the bot.

"Got it!" Mermista grunted, throwing the bot into the ground.

An arrow pierced through it's light, making it sizzle and explode.

Perfuma dropped down behind Bow, everyone looking at her.

"Sorry, Frosta!" she panted.

"Wow, flower princesses can't aim," Mermista droned, a small smile appearing on her face.

"I-I-I'm working on it!" Perfuma seethed, clenching her fists.

More bots appeared behind her while they were distracted.

"Look out!" Frosta shouted.

Glimmer appeared on top of it, laying down and spreading out her arms.

"(Y/N) and I have got this one!"

She teleported into the air, dropping the robot and teleporting back down.

(Y/N) smiled up as the robot came falling towards her. She chucked one end of her rope upwards at it and pulled down, the other end latching onto the robot.

She grunted as she pulled down with all her strength, the robot smashing into the ground and crumbling to pieces. Her rope detached and she pulled it back, holding it at the ready in case more came.

Her Etherian Princess *DISCONTINUED*Where stories live. Discover now