"Woong's room."

Eun Ha looks back to where the said room is as In Yeop points at. "I'll be on my way." she says, walking again without looking back.

In Yeop looks at her walking away, hesitating for a moment before proceeding to his friend's room. He just needs to be careful and not make everything obvious in their work environment.

The activities finally start in the next hour. The main purpose of it is making all the people across departments get to know each other even more personally. Everyone loses themselves, leaving all the intensity work behind and being themselves finally in front of their co workers. It's the first time since forever for Eun Ha to be in a company gathering. She never joined the ones that her previous place had since the time never really matched. But now that she lives alone, she can manage the time on her own.

In Yeop has been taking glances at her direction every now and then. He watches Eun Ha talking and laughing with the others, wishing that he gets the same attention. The garden is really big, making all the groups distance from each other which is safe enough for In Yeop to take glances. The men are starting to open up the alcohol bottles and drink. Just like the environment becomes more cheerful, everyone almost gathers around at this point.

"Here, drink this."

Eun Ha looks up to see one of the men offers her a glass of drink. She nods politely and takes it before she gulps it down. Her forehead furrows at the strong effect, never has she ever tasted that kind of drink before.

"What is this?"

"Orange juice," he lightly says but she narrows her eyes at him not believing his words. "Come on, enlighten me a little."

"By not telling me what kind of drink that you made?"

"It tasted good, didn't it?"

She can't actually say no to the fact that she actually cherishes the flavour.

"Do you want another one?"

"Don't give me too much of it. I'm not getting drunk." she warns.

In Yeop , who watches the interaction, frowns at it. He almost curses on how friendly she is to almost anyone here. Watching her from across the table, he gulps down his own drink in one big shot.

"Slow down, In Yeop. What makes you hurry?" his friend warns him.

"Give me another one."

Without waiting for his friend, he opens another bottle of Soju and pour it into his own glass. Just when he finishes his other shot, the boss stands up with a wide big smile, up for something.

"Good evening, everyone!"

"Good evening, Boss!"

"Okay, first I want to say congratulations to all of us for our achievement and hard work for the past months! Give applause to us!" He speaks loudly.

Everyone claps and shouts in delight. In Yeop claps lazily meanwhile Eun Ha is completely the opposite, clapping like a seal.

"Since I brought you all here, let's forget about work and get to know each other even more. Let's forgive and forget about the things we've done." he suggests, which everyone welcomes. "First of all, I want you all not to sit with people you are familiar with. Let's just blend in."

They murmur with each other but eventually almost all of them agree with the idea. It's a part of their mission to get to know each other too. They finally come up to exchange seats with anyone across from them.

Eun Ha finally locks her eyes with In Yeop who happens to sit across from her. She gulps down at his gaze and contemplates. She can just tell anyone that amongst everyone here, she knows him the longest. Not to make any other fuss, she moves across the table and finally sits beside him. In her presence, In Yeop doesn't say anything but gulps down another shot.

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