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H o u s e  o f  K i m  a n d  H o u s e  o f  H a n
Word count: 697 words


Jisung's POV

"This can't be helped, Jisung" King Han stated. He had been fighting with the young Prince Jisung the whole morning, back and forth bickering becoming overwhelmingly tiring.

"You cannot force me into such a marriage, especially with her." Jisung seemed to spit the words, forcing them out of his mouth distastefully.

Arranged marriages were normal in the House of Han, but never in his 24 years of living had Jisung thought he would become victim to such a circumstance.

"Father, you aren't understanding me. I won't marry a person from the House of Kim, and you know that." Jisung dangerously mumbled, loud enough for his sharp words to meet his father's weary ears.

See, the reason the House of Kim is cast so far from Jisung's heart is because of what had happened 4 years ago.
Jisung had just turned 20 the day before, and ran to his mother, Queen Jiwoo. She was a quiet, yet outgoing soul, a precious being in the kingdom's favour. She was loved amongst all her subjects, and especially amongst her family.
She held Jisung in her arms, swaying gently like a lily caught in the breeze of Spring's drought.

"My sweet boy, what seems to be the matter?" She sighed, her rose lips moving almost in slow motion as she spoke. Her hazel brown eyes locking with Jisung's.

"I just wanted to see you, mother. Good afternoon" Jisung said, a smile playing on his lips.

"Oh you! How sappy." The modest Queen joked. She let go of Jisung before getting a hold of her sword and slipping it into its sheath.

"... I don't understand why you carry that around." Jisung questioned. The Queen's smile only widened as she gave him her response.
"So I can keep your Father safe on our walk" she breathed. Jisung nodded, letting go of her.

"Be safe!" He exclaimed as he watched his parents walk hand in hand out of the castle doors.

He never saw his mother again after that walk. She had been brutally murdered in front of her husband while protecting him from bandits, who had been commoners of the House of Kim. King Han had already forgiven King Kim's solemn apology for the actions of his people, and so had the Han Kingdom.

Everyone except Jisung had forgotten that day.
And he vowed to never speak with a supporter, noble or royal of the Kim Household.

The defeated King only sighed, knowing there had to be another way to get his son to marry.

"How about a ball, hm? A gathering of all the women and men across far lands, surely you'll see a person you'll fancy" the King smiled softly at his son, his eyes pulling into a soothing smile. The famous eye smile of House Han.

Jisung cringed at the thought of women falling at his feet, hopeless potential "lovers" clawing at the floor he stepped on. How melodramatic.

"Very well." Jisung sputtered. Although he didn't like the offer, he wanted his devoting father to be happy. Even after his mother's death, his father was as chirpy and sweet as ever, warming Jisung's heart.
"Thank you son, you mean so very much to me. I just hope you will be happy." The King practically sung the two sentences, the words falling out his mouth almost willingly. Jisung smiled at his father's reaction. It had been such a while since his beloved father had been so ecstatic.

Yet Jisung wasn't happy. But of course, that doesn't matter. What matters is the fact that at least he had his freedom of choice.

"Though, if anyone of the House of Kim attend, just letting you know I won't be pleased." He chirped, striding off towards his room with a skip in his step. He had secretly wanted to have a ball hosted in his name for years now, but of course not for this reason.

He still kept a smile on his face, although strained.

"For mother." the solemn Prince whispered.
"I'll do it for her."

My King, My Love  (JISUNG SKZ FANFICTION)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz