27: Terrifying Situations And Terrifying Phone Calls

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"There's no way Mello would do something like that." Y/n shook her head, "Knowing him he'd want it for himself, I mean that's the point of what he's doing...gaining power."

Then out of know where the helicopter blew up, an explosion in the air as tiny bits of it blew apart, landing on the ground haphazardly.

Y/n gasped in shock, taking a few steps back before backing up into something...well someone.

L spun her around and took her in his arms, stroking her hair gently

"Please tell me that no one was on that helicopter." she spoke in his chest.

Y/n definitely knew someone was on that but was just sparing herself the feeling of grief for that poor soul that just died in that explosion she witnessed.

L sighed, "You know I can't lie to you meine geliebte,"

L heard her sniffle, he furrowed his eyebrows in concern, "Please don't cry." he whispered in her ear.

Y/n buried her face in his chest and wiped her face on his white sweater making him laugh softly, "I'm all good," she gave a weak but genuine smile.

He held her face in his hands, wiping his thumb on her cheek softly. L gazed at her face, lost in her eyes and admiring all her perfect features, "You're really pretty."

Heat quickly found itself to her cheeks as she blushed at the comment. It's not like she could hide how flustered and nervous, in a good way, the compliment made her

Y/n was with the greatest detective after all.

Leaning in, Y/n placed her lips on his soft ones, her hands sliding over his which were still placed on the sides of her face.

L was never one to kiss with tongue unless he was really heated. So when his tongue brushed against her lips as if asking for permission to enter in, she gladly accepted.

His hands sneaked down to her waist which eventually went a little lower to grab her ass. Y/n moaned into the kiss and ran her hands through his deep black hair which drove L absolutely crazy.

His hands gripped on her waist tighter and pressed his body against hers even more.

Y/n knew all the things to do to make him aroused so she tugged on his hair gently which made him more rough with the kiss.

"You both realize I'm still here, right?" Near voice was heard from the speakers again making them unwillingly stop, "And to my displeasure I can hear everything."

Y/n rolled her eyes, nearing to the monitor, "You're a big boy aren't you Near?"

"That is no excuse to torture my ears like that."

"You need to get yourself a girlfriend...or a boyfriend. We don't judge here."

"I am asexual."

"Ohhh." Y/n nodded in understanding although he couldn't see her, "Get yourself a plant then."

"So far we know Mello has a notebook, most likely Kira's book and the other is in the NPA's hands. " L stared at the ground as he spoke which was directed mostly to himself, "Then there is Rem's book that she dropped when she died."

"Wait..What? How? Wait..what?" Y/n stuttered, " What?"

"When Rem killed Watari she died because she killed him to protect Misa and since a shinigami's purpose is to take lives and not save them, she died ergo leaving her book behind,"

"Why didn't you take it?" Near asked.

"I couldn't." he sighed, "I was too focused on faking my death I could not get to it, by the time I did; it was gone."

"I'm assuming Light took it." Y/n rolled her eyes at the mention of him.

"You think we could get Mello to give us the book?" Y/n thought out loud.

"By 'we' I hope you mean 'you'."

Y/n tilted her head at the detective.

"You're the only one who could get through Mello's thick head and ego." L elaborated, placing a hand on her shoulder.

The girl scoffed, "If I could get through Mello's thick head and ego he'd still be at the institution."

"Better than him throwing a tantrum or hurting anyone."

Y/n narrowed her eyes, "I hate it when you're right."

L flashed a small smile at his girl before him, " I know." L kissed her cheek softly, making her smile and flustered.

Y/n grinned looking up at him, caressing his cheek lovingly then brushed the hair out of his face also mentally reminding herself to give his hair a trim.

L reach up to touch her hand on his face, "After 5 years you still drive me crazy." The detective kissed the inside of her hand, "And I mean in both ways."

Y/n giggled, "If I don't do it, who will?"

He leaned forward and whispered in her ear, "I would not want anyone else to."

"I should hope so." the h/c girl pecked his lips, the kiss lasting a couple seconds before she pulled away, "I love you."

"I love you more meine geliebte."

"I'm still here."

"You can hang up Near. Oh my Gosh!"

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