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Word Count: 3578

After getting Remus' blood the first week, it didn't take time for the father-daughter duo to start their experiment. The news of Snape being Neville's boggart, and the story of how the Gryffindor boy had changed his clothes had spread like wildfire, and Snape didn't like it one bit.

Not just that, but Charlotte's boggart had spread even worse. One of the most brilliant students in the school couldn't do a simple spell seemed to humour many people around the school. Not that she cared one bit, but it did make her want to punch the shit out of everyone who talked about it just to get a rise out of her. Maybe it was that, or just that Samhain was nearing.

"You can't go punching everyone who talks about this Char" said Harry calmly as they walked towards Transfiguration before lunch. "You might just end up getting detention again"

Charlotte had punched a fifth year Slytherin as he had called her stupid for being afraid of stairs. It was witnessed by Snape, and he had taken points and given her detention, but that didn't make her want to stop. The satisfaction was of next level.

"Yeah, I've got many and haven't served one." She replied lazily. "McGonagall seems to have cut me some slack."

"Miss Crawford" drawled McGonagall as they entered the class. "Detention" she said as the two sat down on the last bench.

"What for?"

"For not showing up for detention" Everyone looked at her surprised and Charlotte just rolled her eyes and nodded her head in acceptance. "And if you don't show up today, you will not be allowed in Hogsmeade"

"That's not fair!" Charlotte protested and McGonagall gave her a pointed look.

"That is for me to decide"

Transfiguration was over, and Charlotte decided to skip Care of Magical Creatures as it had started getting more and more boring after the first class. She knew Snape had a class off, and she made her way towards the dungeons.

"I got another detention" she announced entering the class, and saw Snape looking over the microscope which he had managed to smuggle in school at the start of the year. He was checking the development in the werewolf cells they had managed to differentiate from human. It sure had taken time as neither Charlotte nor Snape were biology experts.

"What did you do this time?"

"Didn't show up for the last one" she replied making her way towards the desk. "Any progress?" Snape sighed looking up, and shook his head.

"None at all" he replied stepping aside, letting her check for herself.

Charlotte stepped in and looked at the potion and cells as they were still separate. She had hoped that the reaction would start soon, but the only thing she could do at that point was have some patience.

"Are you sure we don't need to recheck the potion?" asked Snape, and she nodded.

"I'm sure" she replied and walked towards another desk where lay another parchment; another potion where she saw a dead end. It was quite frustrating when she couldn't think anything about changing Veritaserum in some way that it wouldn't change its truth telling abilities.

"Any progress?" asked Snape as he walked towards her and she sighed again.

"Not even a bit. I can't think at all. How do I manage to add another magical effect to the potion without changing ingredients and effect? Brain is a delicate part of human body, if something goes wrong and the ingredients used and consumed –" and she stopped mid-sentence at that.

She looked from Snape to the parchment in front of her, and her eyes narrowed at it. She had just realised something and the method was never used in history of potion-making apart for the potions used for medical purposes. It also was illegal when not using for healing potions. Not that she cared one bit, but doubted that Snape would be up for the idea.

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