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Word count: 3505

The days after Beltane were pretty uneventful. Charlotte didn't do much other than hang out with her friends, study and practice potions and Animagus transformation. She knew very well it was still going to take some time.

"Hey Charlotte" said Hermione as she sat down for lunch with the Gryffindors a week before first year exams.

Her birthday had passed uneventful, other than the fact that she got letters from Charlie and Tonks. Snape had given her yet again a book about Arithmancy, along with a book about alchemy, which had picked Charlotte's interest immediately.

"Yeah?" the girl asked absent-mindedly and filled up her plate, Ron on her right doing the same thing.

"You haven't attended the DADA class since before December." Charlotte rolled her eyes but nodded. "How are you going to perform in exams?" Ron groaned but Harry, who was opposite to her looked a little concerned.

"I've got it covered up 'mione. Don't worry" Hermione looked at her indecisively.

"Are you sure? I can help you if you want you know" she couldn't help but smile at one of her best friends so kindly offering to help.

"Thanks for the offer 'mione. But honestly I've got it covered." She replied cheekily. "Just wait and watch 'mione. I'm going to score the highest in our year." Charlotte saw Harry's face taken over by a smirk, as if he knew what there was going to be a nice friendly competition. Even Ron was looking at her with wide eyes as if she had said something about existence of aliens.

"Is that a challenge Charlotte?" Hermione's voice was filled with determination, and teasing, but mostly determination. Charlotte raised her one eyebrow in amusement.

"What do you think Hermione? Do you want it to be?"

"Let's see"

Charlotte turned towards Ron and Harry, both of them looking equally interested in the whole situation.

"Alright boys, both of you have witnessed the whole conversation." She turned back to Hermione with a smirk. "We'll only see who scores the highest."


Next month passed fast, and Charlotte reread all her first year book again. She had last read them when she was two.

Charlotte couldn't pick out which was the easiest exam. Even though she had to study for History of Magic and Astronomy she knew she had nailed the exams. She always liked stars and her memory helped with History. The easiest of all, the one subject she did with her eyes closed was potions, and Snape couldn't be happier.

"You are the highest" he said as Charlotte entered the class after her last exam. He wasn't supposed to tell her the score, but whatever. "Miss Granger right behind you" Charlotte fist pumped the air and sat in front of him.

"Well, I'm going to win that bet then" she said smug smile. Snape rolled his eyes not even wanting to ask what she was up to.

"Anyway Char –" he said and Charlotte hummed. "Do you have any idea what the three Gryffindors are up to?" Charlotte looked at him; her eyes narrow as if trying to figure him out.


"I saw them outside McGonagall's classroom, she wasn't there but it seemed like they were up to something. I did not get to talk to McGonagall, I think I should."

Charlotte closed her eyes for a minute, trying to brainstorm what they might be up to. She didn't know what the trio was up to apart from the fact that they knew about the stone. The only thing that was possible that they were going after it.

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