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Word Count: 3330

Harry entered the library a few hours before everyone was to return for the new term. Hermione had given him strict instructions that morning about which book she wanted to read before everyone wanted the same.

"Where the hell are you?" he said to himself looking through the shelves. He didn't find it. Walking to the librarians' desk he made up his mind to ask the bitter women about it. "Madam Pince"

The women looked with a scowl on her face. She was one of the reasons he hated being here in the first place. He didn't understand how Hermione could stay in the women's presences for hours on end.

"Are there any available copied of the book called 'Fantastic Beasts and Where to find them' by Newt, someone?" he asked. Oh he had messed up the name. She raised an eyebrow, giving him a sharp look and looked down at her registry.

"I'm afraid the last copy was rented by Charlotte Crawford a few hours ago" she replied. "The girl never returns the books on time" she sighed.

"Alright, thank you Madam Pince." He walked away from there and towards the entrance thinking about the places where he could find Charlotte.

"Not with the sidekicks Potter" he turned around with a bored gaze and saw Draco Malfoy surprisingly sitting there with his friends, and not with his goons.

"Shove off Malfoy" he said and started walking out the library only to stop dead in his tracks.

". . . kill . . . time to kill . . ."

"Oh no"

Losing his balance, he tried to get hold of the brick wall, and leaned on it. A sharp hiss ringing in his ears, as he felt sweat forming on his forehead.

"Can't even stand on two legs Potter" made Malfoy another comment. He chose to ignore it completely, as he knew he had bigger problem to deal with. Standing up, he turned towards the door and saw his red-haired best friend running towards him, his face white.

"Harry lets go, fast." The boy panted.

"Someone's been attacked" Ron nodded vigorously.

"I know" he said loudly. Madam Pince hadn't scolded them yet, so they were in the voice range. But Ron was speaking louder than they were used to in the library. "Let's go mate. Hurry"

"Who is it?" Ron's face paled even more. "Tell me it's not Hermione"

"Has Granger finally been attacked?" asked Malfoy from behind. Harry looked at Ron who seemed like he was about to launch himself on the arrogant boy.

"Ignore him," said Harry. He had been following Charlotte's advice for days now, and it really had helped.

"Shut up Malfoy" hissed Ron. Harry turned to look behind, and saw Malfoy was standing there with the other three Slytherins right behind him. But unlike his goons they didn't seem to be following him around.

"Ron who is it?" he asked.

"Charlotte" said Ron. Harry couldn't think for a whole minute, neither could he hear the chaos the name had cause behind him. "Harry, we need to move" insisted Ron.

"Wait Char's been attacked?" his voice panicked and Ron nodded robustly. "Where is she right now?"

"They've taken her to the hospital wing"

"Are you talking about Lily?" asked Malfoy and Harry turned to look at him. He had never understood why Malfoy called her that, but he knew Charlotte considered the Slytherin his friend. Respecting that, he gave a nod. "What happened?" he had never thought Malfoy could turn even paler.

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