Chapter 34: Tampered Flow

Comenzar desde el principio

Natsuki groans as she whips her hair and looks off to the side, crossing her arms...

"God why do you talk so much!? It's so annoying..."

"Am I annoying~? Or am I saying the things you don't wanna hear?" I'd say leaning in with a half serious half smug look which she pushes away by literally pressing her hand against my face and push back.

"Whatever...I'm just not...ready to-"

"I know princess. I'm just saying, we need to take action somehow like try talking to her again or something."

I say as I rest my arm over her shoulder and we walk towards the door, "who knows~ Maybe this problem will solve itself..."

"How does that even work?!" She'd blow my ear off as we exit the classroom and stand outside.

"Hey~ The world is full of surprises...Now get to class." As I say that my hand gave off a certain reflex which I was not expecting from myself, I lightly smacked Natsuki's rear when she was about to turn away and leave.

This left me in shock and fear for my life as I pull away and stand there frozen...

Natsuki quickly turned back to me, eyes widened and face beet red,

"Uhh...that never happened." I say after a nervous chuckle..

But her surprised look soon turned into an evil grin as she continued walking away while muttering something under her breath..

"Oh you're getting yours..."

I couldn't catch what she said but it still made me gulp. After a while of walking down the halls to my class I decided to take an initiative on this entire Yuri problem and text Sayori.

Evan: Hey gremlin.

Sayo: WHA! You only call me that when you're mad, what happened?!

Evan: Not mad just worried.
Evan: I was wondering if you could keep an eye on Yuri for me at the club and maybe find out what's up or at least try to do something to help.

Sayo: Oohhh! So you're telling me to become some sort of secret agent of friendship and harmony?! >:0

Evan: Uhhh sure...just don't end up buring the club down while you're at it.

Sayo: Heeeyyyyy! That only happened one time at your house! And how could I burn down the club like that!?

Evan: You're a force of nature. I don't know what you're capable of.

Sayo: Meanie >:P

Evan: Love ya too dork.

I either got that part settled or made it worse...nah I don't give Sayori enough credit. She is a real hero when it comes to making peace between friends, it's almost impossible to ever be mad at her...unless you're people like Sana...

I trust that she'll at least get something out of this and if not fully, have enough information for us to work out with knowing what's even wrong with Yuri.

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