Chapter 4

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"Don't talk" he whisper

"Guys let's just drink" he told everyone "Steven!" He glared at Steven seriously

"Okay, I'll give up" Carl held me a chair so I seated beside  him and in left with Steven

"So I think you guys are just cousins?or friends?" Steven ask, why can't he zip his mouth

"Ahm..." I can't answer that, Carl and I haven't planned anything yet, we should have talk about the marriage thing first before revealing to others

"Okay, I'll take your answer as either 'yes' and 'no'. Yes that you both are just related in family and No that your not his girlfriend" what the..... He's kind of weird

"I don't understand it well" I said shyly

"It's okay" he shouldered the chair I was sitting

"So you're still available huh?" He whispered, it makes me shiver, he's kind of weird and scary.

"Huh? What do you mean by that" I
took the glass from the table and I drink it

"Ewww what's this?" I acted to vomit, it's so sour and strong

"Oh you shouldn't have drink that, that's bourbon sour cocktail it doesn't suit you" he said

"Oh I wondered"

"Blezel what did you drink?" Carl ask worried behind me, I turned to face him

"Ah Steven told me its a bourbon sour cocktail, I didn't know that it was an alcohol" I frowned

"Ah Carl, can I ask for dance with Blezel? He's just your friend anyway"
He teased, Carl stared at me and he's expression is asking for reasons why Steven said the 'friend' thing

I shrugged at his reaction
"no!" Carl said

"But why?" Steven ask innocently

"Why do you have to dance with her? You should do something else" Carl replied

"Why do you ask? It's not that really a big deal right Blezel?" He ask while he's eyes is still on Carls

"Oh yeah" I agreed unsure

"Let me ask you again Blezel " he turned his gaze on me

"Will you go in a dance with me Blezel? It's just a dance anyway"

"Sure Steven not a problem" I just agreed, I think this will be just quick

"No Blezel you'll stay here"

"But why?" I ask frustrated, he glared at me and I can tell that his looks conveying the 'don't you understand?'
Look message

"Yeah but why Carl!?" Steven repeated  and tried to follow my voice

"Because...." He had struggled to answer

"Because..... The f"ck."  He swear

"Carl" Steven and I both groan

"Fine, go dance with him" he give up. I frowned he supposed to stop me but damn my stupid mouth, why the hell did I say why? Tsk I'm really stupid. Steven and I started to walk away from Carl's table

The music isn't romantic so it's fine to dance with him, but the problem is how to dance? I mean yeah I can dance but in the club how? I'm not used in this place

"Ah, Steven I'm not really good at this"
I said shyly

"Don't worry I'll teach you" he pick something on his pocket, oh it's a phone, he typed something in it, I think he's texting someone

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