'' And you are ...?''

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''I'm really drunk'' - I really can't believe it. took my hands to his cheeks, ''wow this feels very real''

''Sam gets in the car, I'll take you home''

''Wait, hahaha 'Take me home ' Funny right? - I narrow my eyes trying to see him more clearly. - ''Are you Harry? Or who?''

''Sam its me, I'll explain later, okay? But get in the car''

''Oh fine, fine i will get into the car, but don't tell my mother , she would kill me'' I sit next to someone on the back, '' And you are ...?''

''Oh God, she is very drunk''

'' Niall, shut your mouth ''

''So you are Niall... ahaha really?  Awesome this is the craziest dream that i never have before''

''Hahaha she's funny'' the assumption Niall spoke.

'' Yay i am '' 

''Hey bro, you know where she lives? '' Someone asked.

''And who is that, Louis?''

''Hmm no, that's Liam''

'' Oh sorry hahaha and if you are Harry... I can tell you a secret? ''- and I looked him closer and whispered to his ear ...- ''I love Harry, like soo much hahaha'' -I love this dream, it's cute but wow, I feel I'm going to sleep in my own dream.

And yup, everything is dark, but I can hear him. I still hear talk.

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