18 - Discovery

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Tommy knew immediately that something was wrong when he jolted awake as if someone had thrown water on him, but there was nobody there-- just him.

Cautiously, Tommy removed the rag of a blanket and peeped out the tent. When his eyes landed on that familiar outfit that he'd grown to know and hate, fear sparked his bones.

He ran quickly and woke the first person he saw-- Dream --and began speaking at an ungodly speed. To say he was panicking was an understatement.

Dream sat up rubbing his eyes, "hey, hey, slow down. Now could you repeat that?" Dream hadn't heard a word of what the boy in front of him said. It wasn't really the fast talking that he couldn't understand, no, it was that his ears were all fuzzy as he was still waking up.

Tommy sighed frustrated but repeated himself non the less.

Dream's eyes widened, "don't wake anyone yet!" Dream whispered frantically. Before Tommy could question if he was high on drugs or something, he was racing out of the tent and Tommy could only follow.

"Stop! Don't come any closer!" Dream shouted at the armed men.

They froze. Had Tommy been right? Was Dream a red like him? Maybe if he was he could teach him? Maybe--

Tommy's thoughts were cut off when Dream spoke again, "Leave! Don't come back here, and don't tell anyone about this location! Say it's in the clear."

As the camp police turned to leave, Dream relaxed and turned around, beginning to walk back towards Tommy.

Tommy didn't say anything, he just watched. He was confused. Dream? He couldn't be red? Dream couldn't be like him. Like Tommy.

To be red you were extremely unlucky. You might think it was nice to have the most dangerous power but it was really fucking scary. More than half of the time Tommy used his power he hadn't meant it. His power terrified him. He didn't think it as a power or ability as other kids would call it, he thought of it as a curse. Or a punishment one might say. Like society was getting back at him for every single tiny mistake he'd ever made. Sure he'd called someone ugly in year five, sure he'd wrecked his parents room and blamed it on the dogs, but this wasn't a suitable punishment. Tommy wouldn't wish this upon his worst enemy.

So to see somebody else so close to him be punished by this curse was heart wrenching to Tommy. Dream was his friend even if he sometimes shouted at Tommy. Tommy cared about him and nothing would change that.

Tommy hadn't even realised Dream's approach until a weight was placed upon his shoulder bringing him back to reality.

Dream seemed to be speaking to him but Tommy hadn't heard any of it, he was to busy feeling sorry for himself and others. Oops.

Quickly tuning back into the conversation Tommy heard what he assumed to be the end of the pleading. Just in time to hear, "so please don't tell anyone."

Tommy smirked mischievously, "I won't tell anyone on one condition." He stated.

Dream was quick to respond, "what-- I'll do anything! Please just keep it a secret!"

Tommy took his time to respond, seeing Dream like this was oddly satisfying to Tommy and he had no idea why.

"You teach me." Tommy said.

"What?" Dream's voice went unnaturally high.

Tommy snickered a bit, "You teach me." He responded.

Dream didn't really have a say in this-- he needed this to be a secret. It was bad enough that Tommy found out but could you imagine if the whole campsite knew?

He sighed, "fine." He spoke bitterly. He hated not being in power, not being in control. He always had to be in power-- he was Dream. His parents didn't raise a coward.

Was Dream scared Tommy was going to get better than him and over power him? Maybe but that wasn't the point. That could go unacknowledged.

What was Dream thinking! Tommy was a child! There was no way he was powerful!

Maybe this was good for him actually! Maybe he could go into Tommy's mind while his guards down and find out information that would help him!

Wait-- stop that Dream, you're his friend! Do you really want to betray the first friend you've had in years? The child that you've come to love almost like a brother! You're stupid Clay.

You're doing this for his benefit not your own.

He needs you to teach him or he'll be living his life in fear of what he can do instead of reaching his full potential!

Ok ok ok. Dream thought pushing every single voice out of his head, guess we're doing this then.

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