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Dedicated to FavourFyneface for being the first person to like the previous chapter❣️

Also a quick reminder to everyone out there that you are loved. Even if you don't believe it, you are...if not by any human, God loves you, I want you to know that.

"What was that?" Ifechi inquired hearing the noise, they were a few feet away from the top floor.

Rachel didn't reply, instead she increased her steps, reaching the top of the staircase and sighting her accomplices scampering out of their class towards the end of the hallway...well just Aliyah, Grace sashayed out as she always did.

It was when she saw the unfortunate victim of their assault that she gulped.  "Um... I'm coming" she said to Ifechi who was behind her.

"Where are you going? Don't you want th....."

But the other girl had already turned to run back in the opposite direction they'd just come from.

Ifechi watched her leave, becoming irritated. She let out a long hiss and rolled her eyes scornfully, sighting a crawling figure at the door of her class

"What the...?" She started, walking in the direction of her class.

"Ahhh" she said taking in the sight before her.

"Who is that? Pls hold my hand and help me get up, ow...." The figure growled in pain, a hand on her eyes.

"What in the world happened to you and fhmph! What's that smell? She asked extending one hand while she used her other hand to wave away the stench approaching her nostrils.

"It has to be from this thing they poured on me...ew, gawd what is this thing, hope it's not what I think it is" she ranted out at once while Ifechi helped her to her feet.

"Why are you holding your face like that?" Ifechi queried.

"Some of that rubbish entered my eyes, God what did I do to these people na?"

"Which people?"

"That's the problem I don't even know, I didn't see them...I just came here to check if anyone was here because I was hearing noise and i thought maybe it's all these SS1 and 2, only for me to reach her, I slipped. Before I could stand up, she poured something on me head..."

"She?" Ifechi interrupted.

"....yes...I saw their skirts, plus they started laughing at me after she finished pouring the stuff, then.."

"What happened?"

"Nothing, they just stopped laughing suddenly and left until you came"

That is weird Ifechi thought but she didn't voice her opinion. She recalled the loud thud they'd heard at the staircase...it must have been when she fell, but who were the girls that did it to her, she didn't see anyone upstairs and the only person she'd come with was Rachel who fled for some weird reason.

Taking a deep breath, she scanned the semi-blind girl. A black, grey liquid was dripping from her hair to her shoulders to some parts of her blue sport joggers. The floor beneath her was a little soiled from the mixture as well. She eyed it with a grimace, it was sticky and heterogeneous, almost as if someone had mixed an oil with something foul. She went back to her head noticing her prefectship badge pinned firmly to the top corner of her stained, white shirt.

It was the same girl that woke her up.

"Is this your class?" She said snapping Ifechi from her thoughts.

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