"Sorry for calling repeatedly but the matter was urgent. The unfamiliar manly voice started before I could utter a single word, "It seems like Vikram was being alerted of our- the phone was snatched from my hand abruptly.

Arjun immediately cut the call, his face contorted in anger.

"Why did you pick up the call?"

Hesitantly I answered, "It kept ringing I assumed it might be important-

"Well, don't make assumptions on your own. I thought you were aware by now," he tries not to be harsh, though failing miserably.

Gauging his reaction, I approached him carefully, "Are you hiding something from me?"

He stares at me, the dilemma obvious in his eyes, "Yes, Meera...I will let you know if it was needed otherwise don't trouble your mind with my matters."

Again the same statement, he keeps dodging any sort of questions especially related to certain secret mission. From the call, it was clear being related to Vikram tauji. It's been months but I fail to understand this unspoken refute between both of them Arjun had never shown so much hatred for anyone before except for tauji.

He never lets me even take tauji's blessings. The tension between them was increasing since few days, I was getting worried more and more. Taking a long breath, I treaded the topic carefully.

"Arjun, I don't mean to pry...but we're life partners. You could-"

He cut me off, scoffing loudly, "Waah, now you are getting emotional. Like a typical wife want to use your tears or scream your rights as my wife you have right for this or that in my life."

I was trying to reduce the distance instead he keeps walking back. I could practically see the walls raising in his eyes, it's only when he doesn't want the person to reach him. And here I thought, I'd be exception to win his trust. It was clear, I failed though.

The tightness in my throat was hard to swallow, I strongly held back the tears.

He noticed them anyways, "Meera, I might have desired you to the extent of getting married but it nowhere means you could leash me down on your will."

I shook my head, how could he even think?

He gave a humorless laugh, "What, surprised to see I'm not perfect. Arjun please stop it, "Let me guess, you assumed I'd be transformed into love sick puppy around you. Well, then pop your fantasy bubble your husband is anything but perfect."

I turn around, wiping my tear desperately. I keep assuring myself, he didn't mean to be harsh, and my heart believes it. Still, sometimes the arrow of desolate words, especially spoken by the person you love the most would splinter your heart.

Because you don't expect from them to hurt you.

My arm was roughly pulled, Arjun tugged my waist forcefully towards him, "Your husband has secrets, Arjun is equally hurting himself inside, "he's broken...maybe even coward."

His thumb reaches to wipe the trail of tears from my eyes, "You know the depressing part you are stuck with me forever. In spite of my imperfections, you can't leave me."

"I will not." I don't stutter in my firm response.

There is no way in millennium I'd ever leave him. No matter whatever his fears maybe, we're together in this. No matter how many ever times I have repeat it to him.

He tugs my chin pressing a rough kiss, "Then remember your promise once the truth get revealed, I might have nothing left. But I'm still going to be selfish. He ponders for a moment, eyes floating on my face, "Because I can't live without you."

MY FOREVER WITH YOUWhere stories live. Discover now