Act 3: Chapter 12: A Surprise Turn

Start from the beginning

He was becoming Tygrys...

He internally growled as he slung his body with all his might into a wall, not feeling a thing. He kept on, the wall cracking. He grabbed his head in pain, feeling the rage try and take complete control. He wouldn't let that happen though as he slammed his face as hard as he could into the wall, knocking himself out. When he came to, the form was gone and he was on his back with Starline above him. Starline slowly extended his hand, Arnec grabbing it and getting up. They walked through a few hallways, Arnec shaking as he thought about what had just happened. Starline looked over at him "Are you okay?" he asked. Arnec stayed silent and continued. They walked through a few more hallways and then found an arena. There was a dragon in the middle, Starline cowering behind a wall. Arnec smirked as the dragon rose, four eyes staring at the wolf. "Who are you?" Arnec asked the dragon.
"I am Caliburn, the eldest of the 13 dragons. Or, was... My last brother was slain not too long ago... by you..." Caliburn said, flaps on his neck extending like a lion's mane. Arnec smirked "Your brother attacked me and my home, I was defending it." Arnec responded, putting a hand on his hip. Caliburn quickly switched the subject "Just by your scent I can tell who you are. Tygrys' nephew, Szakala's son..." his eyes narrowed "...I knew Tygrys very well once. In fact, I was the one who kept his anger in control. Until that day... Nothing I could do stopped him, unless I just killed him. But I couldn't do that. Back during the Divine war, when we fought the Mobians, he was one of our greatest generals, me as his partner. Your father however, was better. Imagine trying your hardest only for it not to matter... That's what Tygrys felt. And then when you were born, his reason to hate his brother was now justified. He believed that mixing demon with angel, Mobian, or anything would make us weaker. He did what he called a "cleansing" and he especially targeted your father and mother. You were not a priority at the time. Only when you escaped with your mother did you ever matter to him. Fayn... Such a tragic loss..." Caliburn looked at one of his claws, him having four legs unlike his brother. He then firmly planted it in the dirt, growling as his scaly mane puffed up "But the father's sins are now passed to his son. Your father betrayed his kind and you must pay!" Caliburn yelled, his four wings spreading before he flew up into the sky. Arnec sighed before drawing Hugin and Munin. Caliburn flew straight up before diving, spinning like a drill as he breathed blue flames. Arnec dodged and ran by him, slashing at his torso. While it did little, he knew it hurt just a little bit. Caliburn twirled in the air, spreading his wings as he briefly hovered before flying at the wolf again. Arnec dashed to his side before hopping onto Caliburn's side, jabbing Hugin into his stomach. Caliburn turned and flung him off, Arnec luckily having Hugin still in his grasp. He landed on his feet, sliding back from the speed. Starline peeked his head over, looking at the dragon and wolf fighting. Arnec then sighed "Screw this. Time to take it to the skies!" he yelled before going into his demon form and flying up. Both him and Caliburn flew at each other, gold flashes of light from the Ravensword, blue and purple flames from Caliburn flying at each other as they blazed past. Arnec grabbed onto his tail and hopped onto his back, jabbing the Ravensword into Caliburn's back. Caliburn spun around, slamming into the roof of the arena and falling onto the ground. Arnec split the Ravensword and sprinted at Caliburn, sliding under his flames before jumping and twirling in the air, becoming a deadly whirlwind of golden blades, slicing Caliburn's scales. "Time to end this!" Caliburn yelled before flying into the air. Arnec jumped high into the air, him and Caliburn flying straight at each other. As they crossed over, time slowed down. Arnec couldn't hear anything but his own heart beating. Then the sound of metal piercing scales and flesh... Everything went back to normal and Arnec landed, Caliburn falling with one final roar. It wasn't a roar of fury, anger, or jealousy... But of sadness. Caliburn, like his brothers, couldn't save their species. Arnec sighed, feeling guilty for killing off the last dragon. Suddenly he noticed something in the corner of the arena. It was covered in straw and was a pearly white. As Arnec uncovered it he soon realized what it was... An egg. Starline nervously walked in beside him "He's dead... Right?" he asked. Arnec seemingly ignored him as he picked up the egg and brought it to him
"Take care of this egg." Arnec said as he handed him the egg.
"Imagine trying your hardest only for it to not matter. Plus, I've got a job to do. You on the other hand... You owe me." Arnec said before pointing at Starline's stomach. Starline nodded "I guess I do... Once this is all over, I'll leave it in Spiral Hill for you."
"If I make it out of here alive." Arnec said, smirking. Starline shrugged "I... Um... Good luck!" he said nervously. Arnec smiled a little "Good luck to you too. Hopefully we'll meet again, on a more... Peaceful occasion." Arnec said before holding his hand out. Starline hesitated before shaking his hand. Arnec looked at the doorway and headed out. Starline looked down at the egg, rubbing his hand across it. "I don't get it... Arnec is one of the most powerful combatants I've ever seen, even rivaling Sonic and Shadow... So why does he care so much? He could have finished me off, he didn't seem to care about Mimic's death so why would he care to help me? In all of my years of research, I've never encountered anything like this..." he said to himself, sitting down in the middle of the arena. He pulled out his journal, taking notes on the egg. It's shape, texture and color. Suddenly he heard a crack, then a chirp. Then the egg leaned to the side, cracks spreading. Starline's pencil moved faster and faster as he tried to write it all down. Suddenly the egg busted open, a small dragon crawling out. Starline heard something behind him, Caliburn moving his head with what little strength he had left. Starline swore he saw the elder dragon smile as he looked at the little dragon. "Maybe... We... Can start again..." Caliburn said, heaving with each pause. "...Little Galatine..." Caliburn said, his eyes closing for the final time, his sadness turning to happiness... Starline couldn't help but crack a smile. Galatine rubbed his head against Caliburn, some of Caliburn's marks fading and appearing on Galatine, most notably the pattern on the inside of his wings. Galatine then made his way to Starline, waiting for him to lead the way. Starline smiled before holding his hand out, Galatine jumping onto his shoulder. He then got up, putting his journal and pencil away and walking out...

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