Chapter 9: The Needs Of The Many, The Power Of the Few

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A/N: Art is by me. Whispilver in this chapter. May feel forced and it kinda is, but rather get it done now than later. Also some cringy love stuff at the end. Well, cringy to me.

The next day

Starline was in that palace again, Grendel in front of him with his back turned. "Did you do it? You've been avoiding me all night...." Grendel asked, his red glowing eyes narrowed. Starline stuttered as he attempted to answer "Y-you didn't tell me I'd have t-to sink a city!"
"There wasn't anyone in it anyways. Quit being pathetic. Where's your boyfriend?"
"That imbecile you share a brain cell with. Who do you think!?"
Starline looked down in shame "Captured, by Arnec."
"You gotta be... It would seem that our plan must be put into motion faster. Calculate how long it would take to summon Solaris, if we do it as quickly as possible. And I don't want a single number to be incorrect! I said I would give you some of the power, but if you fail me again..."
"I won't!"
"Better not." Grendel said before looking hauntingly at the platypus. Grendel's face twisted into a sadistic smile, like he enjoyed the fear he put into him. Starline scurried off, Grendel chuckling lowly...


Arnec woke on the bed, Tangle laying on top of him. He looked over and saw Lucifer and Asmodeus, both in their demon forms. Asmodeus resembled an owl, with a thin frame and long talons. Her eyes were a pink color, and a little bit of her hair got into her face. Her and Lucifer were talking about something, but their voices were too low for them to hear. Asmodeus looked at them and smiled "They're up." she said, brushing Lucifer aside and sitting by the bed. She smiled, Arnec smiling back. Tangle rolled over and they got up, Asmodeus and Lucifer got into their weapon forms and got onto Tangle and Arnec. They walked downstairs where Whisper was hanging out with Silver. The ivory Hedgehog sat shyly on a seat by her, just watching as she explained how her new wispon works. Blaze was on a couch, reading a magazine with a bunny next to her. Tangle recognized her as Cream. While Cream and her Chao Cheese watched Blaze, she had a straight face. She noticed Arnec and Tangle in the corner of her eye and got up, handing the magazine to Cream. "My realm is secure, we have a plan to get all the Emeralds back?" She asked, leaning against a wall. Arnec nodded "I do have a plan, just need to contact Sonic. We'll be invading the demon realm." Arnec explained. Blaze but her fists on her hips as they swayed a little "That'll be incredibly dangerous, especially due to my lack of the Sol Emeralds."
"If we can take them by surprise, we can possibly get the Sol Emeralds back and you can use them then. But that's if we get far enough." Arnec responded. Tangle looked at him "Hey, I'm going to change clothes real quick, be back Ok?" She said before running upstairs. Arnec rested his back against the wall, smirking before opening his journal. He wrote some stuff down, mostly just ramblings to himself about various little things as he waited for Tangle. She came back down and her outfit was very different. Her jumpsuit had long sleeves and her tank top was gone. She had a yellow cloth belt around her waist, with a yellow scarf around her neck. She smiled "It's fireproof too!" she said as she looked at Arnec, her hands with his. It was a strange feeling for both of them, holding hands with someone. It felt good though...Whisper was eating a cookie and dropped it, her eyes opening, as she saw them holding hands. Everyone looked surprised, including Cream. Whisper then smiled a little as she got back to work. Silver blushed a little "Hey, Whisp?"
"What?" She asked as she scarfed down another cookie. "Could we talk, outside?"
"I guess." Whisper said as she got up, putting her wison on her back. They stepped out, Silver's red cheeks even worse. "What is it?" Whisper asked. Silver shivered from shyness "I... Uh..."
"C'mon, we don't have much time."
"Ugh, I know! It's just that, well... We met a few months ago..." Silver stuttered out. Whisper remembered the occasion. Back when she was called the Guardian Angel. She had just saw a battle that the Restoration was losing badly. She had intervened, saving Silver's life with a well placed headshot. She smirked "I remember. Does this have to with anything in particular?"
"T-then we stopped Mimic together... And I had that nightmare about that virus... We h-hung out more..." Silver said, his voice cracking. Whisper had a small smile "Any particular reason you're bringing up our past like this?" She asked, smirking. "I like you Whisper and want to be your boyfriend!" Silver shouted. Whisper's eyes sprung open and she blushed "Oh, that's... Oh!" she said as she hid her face with her hands. Silver had one hand behind his back, the other around it as his feet twisted. "Y-you... Okay?" Silver asked.
"Close your eyes..."
"Close my-?"
"Just do it!"
"O-okay!" Silver said before closing his eyes. He felt her hands on his shoulders and his heart started beating faster. "Wh-whisper-"
Silver then felt like there was less room in front of him, warm air hitting his nose and muzzle. He then felt something soft press onto his lips. His heart heated even faster, like it just wanted to jump out of his chest. He heard footsteps behind him and Tangle's voice
"Get it girl!" She yelled. Silver opened his eyes and saw that Whisper was kissing him, her making a muffled gasp before backing off. Both blushed intensely and looked at Tangle, who had Arnec with her. There was an awkward stare as they all looked at each other." You knew he would do that, didn't you?" Whisper asked. Tangle smiled "Was pretty much a guarantee to happen. Go back to it, we won't interrupt." Tangle said sarcasticly, Arnec looking away shyly. Whisper grumbled "Tangle... Please... Go for just a minute." she said, Silver hiding his face in his shoulder. Tangle chuckled
"I was just teasing you! We'll go..." Tangle said as her and Arnec went back in. Whisper looked back at Silver, brushing her hair out of her face "S-sorry about that. You know how she is-"
"It's fine... Wanna go back in?"
"Yeah, sure." Whisper said before they headed back in. Arnec and Tangle were on the couch together "So... About Whisper and Silver..."
"They've been in denial for months. Well, Whisper was in denial. Silver always did have a crush on her, heck he's responsible for her nickname being Guardian Angel."
Arnec smiled as he imagined Silver following her everywhere. Sonic walked in "Hey Arnec, I got everyone I could. We're at Restoration HQ and ready." he said as he stood next to him. Arnec nodded "I'll get over there when I can."
"Just don't take too long, everyone's ready to go already!" Sonic said, smiling before making his leave. Arnec looked at Tangle "Well, I guess we should get going." he said, shrugging. Tangle nodded in agreement, Blaze Whisper and Silver getting up to go with them. Cream meanwhile would stay with Jewel. They went to Restoration HQ, on the way Tangle and Whisper talking about Arnec and Silver respectively. Arnec and Silver were side by side too. "So... You're part demon?" Silver asked. Arnec nodded before responding with a quiet "Yeah."
"What's it feel like?" Silver then asked. Arnec looked confused at the question "What... Do you mean?"
"Like do you get hungry, sick, any of that? Or..."
"I can feel hunger, but I can't die of starvation if that's what you're wondering. Same with dehydration." Arnec responded, looking over at the Hedgehog. Silver looked down at the ground "Oh... That must be cool, not having to worry about any of that..."
"Not really. Just a further reminder that I'm not normal."
"You look normal." Silver said as he shrugged. Arnec rolled his eyes "I may look normal, but I ain't. I'm just waiting for the day I snap and go on a spree like my uncle." he said, remembering that day. Silver's eyes narrowed "What did your uncle do!?" he asked, Arnec hearing voices in his head. Mostly of his parents. "Killed my parents, my brother, billions of people, the list could probably go on!" Arnec said, his mouth smirking as he felt the anger build up. He sighed "...I should not have done that. Sorry Silver." he said, the ivory Hedgehog being even more confused "For what?"
"Going off on you like that." Arnec said, his head drooped down in shame. Silver looked back at Tangle and Whisper before motioning for then to go up there with them. He went up to Tangle "Could you... Help him? I can't really do anything and he likes you."
"What's up with him?" Tangle asked, looking at Arnec, who had his arms crossed and his head down. Silver sighed "He got worked up, over his uncle. Apparently he killed a lot of people..." he replied, to which Tangle shook her head "He's venting... Silver, go with Whisp. I got Arnec covered." Tangle said as she grabbed Whisper and Silver's hands, putting them together. Whisper didn't object but didn't look too happy either, her tail pointing straight up and a low growl escaping from her. Tangle just smiled before walking up to Arnec "You okay Pretty Boy? Silver said you got worked up over what happened..." she asked, getting close to him. Arnec couldn't even look at her "I just... I haven't been to the demon realm ever since I watched my uncle run a sword through my father. I... I don't even know if I can handle it!" he yelled quietly as to not stir up any trouble. Tangle held his hand and pushed his head into her shoulder with her tail "Just relax... You know I'll always be there for you..." she said as she nuzzled her cheek against his. Arnec couldn't help but smile "Thanks Tangle..." he said quietly. Tangle smiled "Come on, lighten up! It's almost over!"
"Yeah, almost... A million things can still go wrong."
"They can still go right though!"
Arnec cracked a smile "Yeah, you're right. I gotta quit thinking so negatively." he said as he looked at her. Tangle smiled and gave him a quick kiss "Don't worry, I'll rub off eventually..." she said before they got to HQ. Sonic smiled "Well, we're finally here. Walk took longer than usual for some reason I guess." he said before shrugging and walking in. Everyone followed and Arnec saw the group Sonic had. Sadly, it was underwhelming. Less than 30 people. Most of them being Sonic's close friends. "This... Is it?" Arnec asked. Sonic smirked "Would have more but these were the ones who believed me when I said we'd be invading the demon realm."
"Better than nothing. But I'll activate the hellgate before distracting this Eggman of yours. If I fall, Asmodeus will guide you, in case Lucifer can't make it either. The demon realm is a harsh place, make sure everyone is ready for a fight."
"We'll be ready!" Sonic said reassuringly. Arnec looked one last time at the small group of people before nodding.
"Alright then, let's head out." he said before they headed towards Capital City. It was a long walk, Arnec's portal not being able to fit everyone before it would collapse in on itself. They could see the edge of the city, along with a large ebony stone. "Alright, this is it. Everyone, go." Arnec said, full seriousness and urgency in his voice. They headed up to the stone and Arnec planted the Ares into the ebony stone, it glowing a dark purple. Suddenly a large purple portal opened above it. Arnec nodded "There we go..." he mumbled before quickly making his way back to the edge of Capital City. Sure enough, a legion of bots was sent out. Arnec popped the Deimos from it's sheath, it flying up into the air as the sheath disappeared. He slid one leg back and summoned doppelganger as he caught the sword, doppelganger in the same stance. "Wait for them to get to us, then tear them apart! Let's do it together..." he said, doppelganger nodding. The horde charged, firing lasers ahead. "Now!" Arnec yelled. Him and Doppelganger deflected the rounds by twirling their swords. The Restoration made their move, all going through the portal, except for Tangle. She stayed and hid behind a rock, watching. Arnec and Doppelganger tried their best to buy time, but the cracks showed as one of the lasers slipped past Arnec's defense, striking his stomach. He hunched over in pain "Son of a- Agh! " he yelled, his teeth clenched as he grabbed his stomach. Tangle winced, trying her best to not just run out there with him. Arnec took another round to the shoulder, growling "Cover me!" he yelled. Doppelganger flew by him, deflecting the plasma bolts. Arnec attempted to heal his arm, the wound slowly beginning to close. Doppelganger was struggling though and Arnec took a hit in his leg. He fell to the ground, barely able to get up. He looked over and saw that the Restoration had made it through, not noticing Tangle. He smiled a little holding his shoulder. "Alright, they're through..." He got hit in the stomach by another round, barely able to hold his body up. He heard Lucifer in his head "Arnec... You can't go on like this!"
"What am I supposed to do!? Go Lucifer... They're gonna need you..."
"They're going to need you too..."
"What am I-" he began before coughing up blood, Doppelganger doing his best to deflect the lasers. "...What am I supposed to do!?" he yelled. Lucifer was hesitant before speaking quietly "You're going to have to reach inside, break the seal... The key is in your hands..." Arnec looked down at Deimos "What!?"
"Stab yourself! Every half demon has to do it at some point!" Lucifer yelled. Arnec nodded before another shot hit his hand, knocking the sword out of his hand. He looked at Doppelganger "Doppelganger... Do it... Before it's too late! Come on... Come on!" he yelled. Doppelganger picked up the sword, looking at the wolf. He hesitated before jamming the Deimos into Arnec's stomach, stepping back. Arnec howled in pain as he fell forward, shoving it deeper. Doppelganger resumed covering. Meanwhile, It felt like Arnec had died, his body was numb as the world was silent. His eyes closed and he fell onto the ground. Tangle's heart broke into two as she saw his body, her covering her mouth to prevent herself from yelling. The bots all stopped and Doppelganger just stared at his lifeless body... "Come on... Wake up Arnec... Please..." Tangle said in her head. It was silent...
(Just close your eyes - Waterproof Blonde)

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