I keep reading the book. Bucky tried to go to sleep on the bed, but he wasn't able to fall asleep. So, he came to sit with me. We cuddled up on the couch. He was shivering a little bit so without realizing my powers started to create this warm hue. I didn't notice it myself, but Bucky did. He kissed my forehead and said "Thanks, doll.". I kept reading and finally Bucky fell asleep. It took many hours, but I think that I finally found something.

"Phoenixes are known to be immortal beings. Much like many immortal creatures they can be slain by iron weapons. With phoenixes there is also another way to kill them. Because they are the embodiment of love, if the love that they represent is dying, the phoenix feels it and suffers the consequences. Fixing the love will not give the phoenix back its strength. But much like love between two souls, the phoenix can be reborn, when the love between these souls is true."

I stand up so suddenly that Bucky startles and wakes up. "It's because of us! Funí has been feeling our fighting and all the problems in our love.", I explain to Bucky crying. I keep blaming myself, while he reads the passage. We keep talking and reading the book. It tells us how the phoenixes are reborn. They need the warmest fire that can only be created by dragon fire on cinnamon trees. 

In the morning, while Bucky is taking care of Nanna, I go and wake up my brothers. I go to Thor and tell him everything. We go together to Loki's door and as I am going to knock on the door, it opens and Deliah walks out holding hands with Loki. The feeling of that meeting is weird. I don't speak to her at all. I look at Loki and tell him, what we know. Thor had already told him about Funí, so he knows how serious the situation is. The three of us agree that we must do everything that we can to help Funí.

We go immediately to the dragons. My brothers wait in safe distance from their nest, and I talk to Fornax and Pyrrhus. They agree to help, but they present a problem that I didn't know about. Phoenix can be reborn from dragon's fire, but not by any dragon's fire. "It has to be Lisha. She has grown up with Funí, she has imprinted on Nanna, who is embodiment of mine and Bucky's love. It has to be her!", I tell them. Lisha comes to me and greets me gently. I tell her everything and she agrees to help us. Thor order the Warriors Three to find us enough cinnamon tree to create a bonfire. They have built the bonfire in the courtyard because we wanted to be able to observe and take care of it as easily as possible.

After the dragons, we head straight to Funí. I explain what is going on and the phoenixes help us. There has to be at least fifty of them. Thor carries Funí gently to the courtyard and the other phoenixes gather around the courtyard to show their support and love. Lisha is there, ready to ignite the bonfire. Thor lowers Funí down gently and moves to stand behind me and Bucky. I hand Nanna to Loki and go stand close to Bucky. I am holding his hand and tears start to fall down. He puts his arm around me and holds me firmly. "As long as it takes, I am here for you and our friends. I will always be your rock that you can use for support.", he tells me and wipes away my tears. "Together we are able to go through anything.", I respond to him and kiss him.

It's time. Funí shrieks out loud and the other phoenixes start to sing. Lisha unleashes a flame so strong that it ignites all the cinnamon trees on the bonfire. They are burning with this beautiful and dazzling white fire. The phoenixes stop their singing after fifteen minutes. Some people that were observing this event have left. Loki and Thor are still standing behind me and Bucky. They will leave us soon because of Nanna. The heat and the light are too much for her, even though I created a power field around her, for protection. For an hour we stood there with Bucky, just looking at the fire. He knows that I wouldn't leave Funí alone and he was not going to leave me alone. Lisha has left and the phoenixes left home to wait for their friend. We are now alone, just the two of us.

I turn to him and kiss him. "Thank you for everything!", I whisper to him. "I love you my darling. I don't say it enough, but you know that I am yours and yours only. I give you my heart, my love, and my soul. I do not expect anything in return. I promise myself to you. I would give you the whole universe if you would ask.", I tell him. He looks at me and smiles. "I don't expect anything from you. You have given me already so much. You are the reason that I am still alive. You have given me purpose, love, and family. You are my best friend, my lover, and my everything.", he responds. We kiss again and the fire next to us grows to be even stronger. For as long as we are kissing each other, the flames burn strongly. When we finally detach from each other, the flames diminish.

We look into the bonfire and see something beautiful. In the middle of the tiny flames that just moment ago were as tall as trees, stands a beautiful creature. I can't believe my eyes and I know that nor can Bucky. Thor, holding Nanna, Loki and Deliah have come to the side of the courtyard to see what is happening. I take Bucky's hand in mine, and we walk through the remaining flames to this stunning creature. "Funí?", I ask gently, and he lets out a beautiful sound that seems like a song.

He is not looking like the old Funí that we got used to. In front of me and Bucky stands a beautiful white birdlike creature, with long tail feathers and deep fiery red eyes. Between his white feathers there are some that have yellow and red tips. He is literally shimmering. Funí pushes himself up into the air with a swift movement of his wings. Doing that he puts out rest of the flames. When he is flying above us, it looks like from him is falling these little pieces of glitter. He takes a few rounds around the courtyard and then lands on our hands, like as a symbol of our newly found love. I look at Funí and then Bucky. I hold Funí close to me and whisper to him, "Thank you my friend for not giving up on us.". 

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