Chapter 4

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For few days, Bucky stayed at the compound. No missions, no quests. He was playing with Nanna finally. I think that the talk we had in the garden was enough to make him realize how much it means to me and to Nanna, to have him close by. I was in kitchen making dinner for everyone. Nat and Steve were helping me while Bucky, Sam, Pietro, Peter, Tony, and Pepper were playing with Nanna.

"So, you two finally talked?", Steve asks me. I nod and keep chopping some vegetables. "Yeah, we talked, and we decided to visit Asgard for a while. I think that it will be good for us three.", I told Steve and Nat. Nat looks upset, but she gathers herself and looks at me while smiling. "When are you going? How long are you going to be staying there? Is the wedding also going to be held there or are you coming back to here for that? Who is going to plan it with you? Am I and Wanda just...?", Nat keeps asking.

"Stop it Nat! I am not going to plan my wedding without my two maids of honor. I am not letting you and Wanda skip that part and go straight to partying. And just so you know, we decided to leave in two days and stay there probably for a week.", I tell Nat. She wipes her eyes and hugs me. Steve is looking at us and I can see that he is thinking about something. "What's wrong?", I ask him. He keeps peeling potatoes, and he says nothing at first. Nat hits him with her elbow and Steve finally answers, "I'm glad that you two are back to where you were, you and Bucky I mean. I just keep thinking about the missions that we have coming up.".

After that, none of us said anything. Preparing for missions is different with everyone. Steve usually keeps to himself. Once he told me that it is because he needs to have his head in the right place. He keeps thinking if everything is worth the risk of getting hurt or someone in the team getting hurt or killed. Nat is worrying also, but differently. She keeps cleaning her weapons and making sure that they work. In that way, she is just like Bucky. She keeps saying that she likes to be aware of everything that happens around. That's why she keeps everything clean and working so that the weapons aren't the ones that possibly mess everything up. Now that I don't go to the missions with them, I tend to leave them get ready by themselves.

I leave Nat and Steve to finish the dinner. We have made the table, and everything should be ready. I go to the lounge to get everyone to eat. Tony and Pepper are holding Nanna and I can see the joy in Tony's face. I know that he would love to have a family of his own, but I guess, just like Steve, he is worried about the missions and what could happen. Bucky and Sam are sitting on one couch, and they are talking about something. Pietro and Peter are looking at Nanna giggling in Tony's lap. Pepper is smiling and looking at Tony and Nanna. I know that she loves kids and wants to have a family, she just isn't sure if that's what Tony wants. "Dinner is ready!", I tell them, and everyone starts to move to the dining table. Tony hands Nanna to me and kisses her forehead. He winks at me, and I know that even he has baby fever now.

During dinner I usually keep Nanna busy with my powers. I conjure up these little different colored light orbs and make them float around her. She likes them. Bucky keeps feeding her some food and we all keep talking about some stuff. It feels nice to have family around, but it keeps reminding me that I have actually family, my brothers, in different realm. "Hey guys! We have been talking with Bucky and we decided to take a trip to Asgard. We are leaving in two days and will be gone for about week. I just wanted you to know.", I tell everyone about our plans. Sam keeps nodding, apparently Bucky has already told him. Pietro looks little sad. "What's wrong?", I ask him. He just looks at Nanna and says, "Who is going to keep me company, if you take Nanna with you?", he says and smiles. Everyone laughs and Sam says, "Maybe you can borrow Nanna's toys and play with them with Peter.". Tony snaps at Sam. He is very protective about Peter, but Peter himself is laughing with us. "It was a joke, come on Tony, lighten up.", Sam says.

Peter and Tony decided to clean everything up after dinner. Me and Bucky went to our room to put Nanna to sleep. When we got to our room Bucky sat down in the rocking chair that Tony got us. He was holding Nanna in her lap, and I gave him the milk bottle that I prepared for her. He feeds her and starts to sing to her. I lay down on our bed and just keep staring at them. "I want to have the wedding here. At the compound. Just our friends and family. No extra people, only the ones that we love and care about. What do you think?", I whisper to Bucky. He looks at me and smiles. "Whatever you want doll. I don't care as long as it's you and me.", he says to me.

After he puts Nanna to the crib he joins me in the bed. He lays next to me, and we are now face to face on our sides. He gently moves some hair away from my face and softly kisses me. I kiss him back and move closer to him. We haven't been like this after Nanna's birth, and I am little bit nervous. Am I ready for this?

"Get your head together Hailey!", I think to myself. I push him to his back and climb on top of him. I keep kissing him and caressing his neck. He is moving his hands up and down my back under my shirt. Soon enough one of his hands is on my back and the other is sliding into my pants. I moan a little and I can feel the rush of emotion. For a while he keeps touching me and kissing me until the fire inside of me lights up. We can both feel and see the glow that surrounds me right now. We turn around so that I am on my back. He slowly removes my clothes, one by one. I keep hoping that I remembered to lock the door.

After he undressed me, I looked at him, taking off his shirt and his pants. I notice some scars and bruises that he has. I know that they had to hurt. We both normally heal pretty quickly because of the super soldier serum thing, so if these are still showing, they had to be major wounds. He realizes what I am thinking and just brushes it of by saying, "I'm fine doll, they will be gone soon.". He looks at me laying on the bed naked. He smirks at me and then climbs back to the bed and on top of me. He kisses me, places his hand on my cheek, and just keeps looking into my eyes. He kisses me again and then moves to caress and kiss my breasts. His touch feels incredible. He bites gently one of my nipples, and I twitch a little. The glow around me lights up even more for a second. I look at him and he lifts his head enough for me to see the grin on his face.

I close my eyes and feel his hands on my skin, moving slowly from my breasts to my thighs. He moves his right hand into between my legs. I can feel his thumb on my clitoris while he places two fingers gently inside of me. I am grasping the linen on the bed and trying not to scream while he gently pushes his thumb down and swirls it around. I am now literally holding one of my hands on my mouth so that I wouldn't wake the baby or alert anyone at the compound. Bucky takes his hand away. He comes inside of me and thrust his body on me gently. I can feel him. I moan and he keeps looking at me. I think that he is trying to make sure that he doesn't hurt me. "Please don't stop.", I whisper, and he takes my hands and holds them gently above my head.

He thrusts again and this time both of us are moaning quietly. With every thrust my fire keeps getting warmer. I push my head backwards and arch my back a little. He lets go of my hands and I can feel his metal arm moving to caress my back. I buck my hips against him while he thrust his body against mine. I can feel it, I am almost there. I bite my bottom lip so that I don't scream out of pleasure. I know that he is close too. His breathing is heavier, his muscles are tensed up. "Just little bit more.", I beg him. He kisses me and with one more thrust he makes me come. I can feel all the tension in my body to release. I moan and I feel his muscles relaxing. He looks at me, kisses me, and then whispers to my ear, "I love you doll.". He moves next to me and lays on his back while breathing heavily. I snuggle up to him and place my head on his chest. "I love you too Bucky.", I tell him before I fall asleep.

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