Chapter 5

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Next day goes by and we have been preparing for the trip. We have been trying to pack everything that we might need in Asgard. We now notice that traveling with a baby is little bit more difficult than what we expected. After getting everything for Nanna into two bags, I then gather some clothes and other stuff for me and Bucky.

It's the morning when we are going to leave. I put Nanna into a baby carrier so that she sits in front of me. She keeps smiling and laughing because Bucky is making faces at her. He takes the bags, and we go downstairs. "Are you sure that you have enough stuff with you?", Pietro is being a smart ass. "Shut up or I put you into one of the bags.", I snap back. Bucky is laughing behind me, and Nat, Tony, and Peter are trying not to laugh when Pietro keeps looking around to get some support. Everyone else are wise enough to not say anything. Suddenly, Tony gets a phone call.

We start to say goodbyes to everyone. At some point, Tony returns and I ask him if everything is ok. He just nods and says that it is some Avengers stuff, nothing to be worried about. Nat and Steve are saying goodbye to us and especially to Nanna. "Don't forget us when you are playing with your uncles. We are your godparents, so you do best not to forget about us.", Nat tells her and kisses her forehead. I shake my head and respond to her, "You do know that Loki is also her godparent, don't you?". Steve laughs, hugs me and Nanna and as always tells us to take care of Bucky. He then turns to Bucky and hugs him and says, "Don't do anything stupid while you are gone.". Bucky laughs and says, "How could I, when all the stupidity stays here?", nodding at Steve, Sam, and Pietro. Nat laughs.

We step outside and I make a connection with Heimdall. Heimdall guards the Bifrost and doing that he guards everyone entering Asgard. In just few seconds we are getting from the compound to Asgard. During the travel, I keep shielding Nanna's eyes, because we travel in some sort of stream of light. Bucky has gotten used to the travel to Asgard, because he spends half of his "free time" there. I still have some trouble with the travel, but I am getting better. Nanna is having fun. She is giggling and screaming from joy. Luckily, it doesn't take that long to travel through Bifrost and soon enough we are standing right next to Heimdall. "Welcome home princesses and lord.", he welcomes us. Bucky shakes his head. "How many times do I have to tell you to call me Bucky. My friend, you have saved me so many times that I think I should start calling you my savior.", Bucky says to Heimdall while shaking his hand. "Wait, what? What do you mean he had to save you? Why haven't you told me?", I ask Bucky. Heimdall laughs and Bucky realize that he didn't think through before saying those things to Heimdall. I turn my back at them and start to walk away when I hear a familiar voice, "Do you need a ride, my princess?". I look up and see Sif and the Warriors Three arriving to fetch us to the palace.

We get into the ship. Bucky greets everyone. They have all got close while been on the quests. After we sit down, Hogun, one of the Three warriors kneel before me and Nanna. "So, this must be the little princess that Thor keeps talking about.", he says gently and smiles at Nanna. She smiles at Hogun and then looks at the others. Sif is the goddess of war. She has been Thor's friend the longest. She is gorgeous with long black hair and perfectly fit body. I still haven't got an answer from Thor to my question "Why are you only friends?". I still maybe have to push Thor more so that he would ask Sif for a date.

Hogun, Volstagg, and Fandral form the Warriors Three. They are elite warriors of Asgard and some of Thor's best friends. Hogun is a muscular soldier. I have learned that Hogun isn't originally from Asgard, but from Vanaheim. Because of what has happened between Thor and him, he has sworn loyalty to Asgard, but still visits his people from time to time. He has long dark hair and dark beard. If there is something to notice from Hogun, it is his sharp demeanor. He had a samurai-looking armor on him and on his waist there was a spiky mace hanging.

Volstagg on the other hand is almost complete opposite. He is tall and strong also, but he emits this carefree manor. He is bright and loyal, but he seems more outgoing, and he is apparently really funny. He is wearing an Asgardian Armor; gold and brown shirt and pants, with armor that is made from bronze. In his hand he holds his battle axe. If you didn't know his personality, he would be a scary sight.

Fandral looks the most approachable. He seems friendly, polite, and Bucky has told me that he is like that even on the battlefield. He has charm that the other Warriors Three are lacking a little bit. I bet he is the favorite among the Asgardian ladies. He is handsome and strong looking. He wore dark green cape and green shirt and black pants. He had some metal plates around his wrists and ankles for protection. His preferred weapon seems to be a sword that he carries on his waist in a holster.

I have never really got to know them, after all I was just a little child when I was taken away from Asgard. I sit with Nanna and the others are standing up and talking with Bucky. I'm glad that he has found some friends outside the Avengers, but in this group, I really feel like left outside. Almost the whole travel to the palace me and Nanna are just the two of us. I think that the feeling of being an outsider is showing from my face, because at one-point Fandral comes to sit with us. "Are you feeling alright, your highness?", he asks me. I haven't got used to being addressed as 'your highness' or 'princess'. Almost every time that someone calls me with a title like that I don't even realize that they are talking to me. "Lady Halla are you alright?", Fandral asks. I lift my head and look at him. "Yes, I'm fine. Why?", I ask him and from his face I realize that he has been talking to me for a moment. I apologize to him, and he quickly states that I have no reason to apologize, I can choose who to talk to. After all I am the Princess of Asgard. "Please, don't think about me like that. Just because I was born in the royal family, doesn't give me right to be rude. I am really sorry that I wasn't paying attention around me. I just really haven't gotten used to been called 'princess' or 'your highness'. And in the future, you can call me Hailey or Halla.", I tell him and at the same time talk to rest of them. Fandral smiles at me, and Hogun speaks next. "Welcome home to Asgard, Lady Halla.", he says while pointing at the golden city and palace. 

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