Part twenty-eight: too much to handle

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Earth's face lighted up, "yes, yes, that''s a sign of my regeneration process."

"Regeneration," Mix murmured for himself. "How long this regeneration thing is supposed to be?"

"From what I know it's somewhere between a few months to a few years." Earth's eyebrows were pushed together as he was trying hard to remember if he heard about someone who was able to regenerate sooner than that. But no; there wasn't anyone like that.

"Years?!" Mix shouted. "Oops, sorry." He covered his mouth with his palm, his eyes apologizing for him.

Earth shook his head in both amusement and aww how cute could Mix be — Earth bit his tongue not to say it out loud again. Once was enough for now. Earth didn't want to seem totally head over heels for Mix. Even though he was. He definitely was. "Would it be that bad if it was years and I'll have to be glued to you every single day?"

"No, that wouldn't be bad at all, actually.  I'd love that..."

"Uhmmm, but?" Earth asked, sensing that there was a 'but' after Mix's words.

"I'm not my grandmother. I want to have contact with the outside world. Go for trips. Visit Thailand; you know, my parents, my best friend. Gotta keep the social relations going. Besides, I don't know about you, but I would love it if my parents met my boyfriend sooner than years in my relationship."

"Angel, I told you I'll be fine for a few days. You can go wherever you want to. I'm not holding you here. As for your family — maybe they can come here if they will be able to see me. Well, your father does, that I'm sure of."

Mix ran his hand through his hair, "I just wish that I can go on a trip with know what? Forget it. I'm annoying."

"You are not annoying. It's actually quite adora—"

"Wait, my father can see you?" Mix suddenly asked, Earth's words finally settling in his mind.

Shut your mouth, Pirapat! Yeah, Mix is cute, Mix is adorable. You already said it. No need to repeat yourself. Earth cleared his throat, "Of course, I was the first ghost your father has ever seen. He immediately liked me. So I guess I'm already approved to the family by your father."

"Don't smirk so much. The fact that my father liked you when he was a baby and you are now my boyfriend, sounds really bad without any context," Mix pointed out with a smirk on his own face.

"Good to know then, that everyone involved does know the context," Earth didn't stop smirking.

"Do you have an answer for everything?" Mix groaned.

"Uhmmm, clearly I do. I can't help the fact that I'm clever."

"You are not only clever, but you are also annoying. Like extremely annoying," Mix said with a really fake-sounding serious voice.

"Ouch," Earth put his hand on his cracked silent heart, "that hurts. Why am I so annoying to you. Huh, tell me."

Mix huffed, "ok, fine, I'll tell you. It's your stupid smile, and unbelievably handsome face, and deep eyes, and smooth voice, and you are so tall, and it's so hot, and your mind is so beautiful and your ideas so clever and you are just fucking too good to be true. That's what is so extremely annoying about you. Satisfied now?"

The words were pouring from Mix like they were the air he needed to breathe. He just couldn't stop once he started, because damn, Earth was too much to handle. And they couldn't even touch each other yet. What was going to happen once they...okay stop! That was the thought for next time.

Earth was struck by Mix's words. It felt nice; all that time he thought that he was the one who fell too much. Turned out they both did. "Oh, I'm definitely satisfied. Very much. Do you have some more compliments for me? I'm taking all of them at any time. Open 24/7."

Mix was embarrassed? No, he wasn't. He just felt naked. Why the hell did he think that telling Earth that literally everything he is and does is attractive, was a good idea? What was the reason for it? Now Earth practically had Mix in his power. Not like he didn't before, but still...that was sooo cheesy! Good job, Mix, good job.

But, now is not the time to lose the face. One last strike, "Actually, I do have one more compliment." Mix looked straight into Earth's eyes, gulping, "I love you."

The smirk was whipped away from Earth's face right at that moment, replaced by an adoring expression, his was in his eyes — Mix could see it — they were full of love for the young boy in front of him. "I love you, angel."

"I know," Mix whispered and closed his eyes.

"Are you tired?"

Mix nodded, "are you going to stay in bed?"

"Can I?" Earth asked, admiring the sleepy face of his beautiful boy.

"I can't see why not."

"Hmmm, and can I watch you sleep?"

"Here we go again," Mix mumbled half asleep already.

"I'm kidding, I'll be reading or pretending I'm sleeping too, okay?"


"Sleep well my hope. I'll be here when you wake up."

To be continued...

P.S. Safe House s3 started. I hope that you aren't as busy as I am and that you can watch it more than I can🤎❤

      🔥 -  2 CHAPTERS to go 🔥

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